[06:30 am] Mitch K: SPY gapped down over
1% [06:30 am] Mitch K: watching DD for
trades both directions today [06:30 am]
Mitch K: watching SBUX for bottom [06:31
am] Mitch K: watching ARIA for
bottom [06:31 am] Mitch K: watching for
trades both ways on MNST [06:31 am] Mitch
K: watching MLNX for bottom [06:32 am]
Mitch K: more downside on WHR [06:32 am]
Mitch K: watching ROC for bottom [06:33
am] Mitch K: monitoring CLNE [06:33 am]
Mitch K: take time on shorts because if
market rebounds, shorts will stay
up [06:33 am] Mitch K: watching HOG for
top to short [06:34 am] Mitch K: watching
VLTR for short on top of bounce [06:34 am]
Mitch K: watching VMED for top to
short [06:34 am] Mitch K: watching VRTX
for bottom to buy [06:35 am] Mitch K:
watchign RHT for bottom [06:35 am] Mitch
K: watching BMRN for bototm [06:35 am]
Mitch K: watching COH for more downside on
short [06:36 am] Mitch K: watching HES for
bottom [06:37 am] Mitch K: watching LXK
for top to short [06:37 am] Mitch K:
watching TRW for bottom [06:37 am] Mitch
K: watching USB for bottom [06:38 am] Ed :
SPY new lod [06:38 am] Mitch K: watchING
CNc for short, peaked already, try for higher
prices [06:40 am] Mitch K: watching MDVN
for bottom [06:41 am] Mitch K: watching
TCBI for bottom [06:42 am] Mitch K:
monitoring ABT [06:43 am] Mitch K: the
long bounce on COH wont last long [06:43
am] Mitch K: watchign COH for bottom to cover
short, also watch for long quick
bounce [06:44 am] Mitch K: SPY
bottoming [06:44 am] Mitch K: watching
KORS for bottom [06:44 am] Mitch K:
watching VLTR closer for short [06:44 am]
Mitch K: watching WAT for top to
short [06:45 am] Mitch K: best to look for
bottom sot buy, when mkt rebounds, bottoms
will move up [06:45 am] Mitch K: CLNE
bottom in [06:45 am] Mitch K: watching HOG
for top, getting itneresting [06:46 am]
Mitch K: watching TDG for trades both ways;
next one a bottom [06:48 am] Mitch K:
cover VMED short now [06:48 am] Mitch K:
looking for 18.10 area to cover VLTR
soon [06:52 am] Mitch K: consider selling
RHT [06:54 am] Mitch K: ABT
bottoming [06:54 am] Mitch K: VECO top,
short [06:55 am] Mitch K: for bottom on
ESRX [06:55 am] Mitch K: watching
ESRX [06:55 am] Mitch K: watching ONXX for
short on top of bounce, missed
bottom [06:58 am] Mitch K: watching BEAV
for bottom; forgot to post this as
short [07:02 am] Mitch K: no bounce in
SPY [07:03 am] Mitch K: consider selling
VRTX, watch for short [07:07 am] Mitch K:
no sell signal on TDG yet [07:10 am] Mitch
K: CRS top for short here [07:16 am] Ed :
SPY new lod [07:19 am] Mitch K: consider
covering CRS [07:24 am] Mitch K: watching
COH closer to start selling long [07:28
am] Ed : SPY new lod [07:32 am] Mitch K:
consider reducing TDG [07:39 am] Ed :
lower low in markers so far [07:40 am]
Mitch K: look for bottoms now and market
should rebound overall for a good long
scalp [07:40 am] Mitch K: the SP-500 on
daily chart now looks as negative as Nasdaq
Composite has been. [07:40 am] Mitch K:
watching SBUX for another bottom to
buy [07:41 am] Mitch K: CL
bottoming [07:41 am] Mitch K: which is
crude oil [08:11 am] Ed : just monitoring
NSM [08:29 am] Ed : MNST new lod [09:13
am] Ed : I would like a move on COH closer to
60ish area and see how reacts [09:37 am]
Ed : gettn bounce in SPY [10:19 am] Ed :
SPY pulling back [10:26 am] Mitch K:
pretty decent trades with GNTX
today [11:02 am] Ed : nice little bounce
in SPY [11:12 am] Ed : monitoring AAPL for
more selling [11:13 am] Ed : for potential
long play [11:42 am] Ed : reducing 3/4
AAPL long +5 [12:07 pm] Ed : SPY pulling
back after hitting hod [12:58 pm] Ed :
have a great evening traders [01:07 pm]
Mitch K: later guys [01:08 pm] Mitch K:
been trading all through the close, workig
with ES right now [01:19 pm] Mitch K: oh
ok, i see chart on right [01:19 pm] Mitch
K: you guys watching FB [01:21 pm] Mitch
K: as long as there is volume [01:21 pm]
Mitch K: real well shark [01:22 pm] Mitch
K: no sell signal yet on FB [01:22 pm]
Mitch K: on a 1 min chart [01:25 pm] Mitch
K: im sorry, i was just trading SI,
silver [01:25 pm] Mitch K: so i ignore
stocks or futures when that alert is
on [01:25 pm] Mitch K: the No Trading Zone
is on for NFLX, means dont trade it with new
positions [01:26 pm] Mitch K: ok girls i
show you FB now [01:26 pm] Mitch K: yes on
Lightning [01:26 pm] Mitch K: yes
yellow [01:27 pm] Mitch K: and it is not
porno either [01:27 pm] Mitch K: i will
show you something better than FB [01:29
pm] Mitch K: you guys know you are spoiled
right? [01:30 pm] Mitch K: as long as you
know your problems, then you can face
it [01:32 pm] Mitch K: sorry i was
interrupted [01:33 pm] Mitch K: take first
opposing signal, closing signal if you went
long [01:33 pm] Mitch K: this is
NFLX [01:34 pm] Mitch K: and on
aftermarket, i dont keep trading it [01:34
pm] Mitch K: silver [01:35 pm] Mitch K:
silver got god this last hour [01:36 pm]
Mitch K: ES [01:37 pm] Mitch K: it is just
a guide [01:43 pm] Mitch K: i will explain
this later [01:43 pm] Mitch K: uh sorry, i
am not paying attention. talk to you
guys later, i got to go
| [06:08 am] mikewd2 -: good morning
traders [06:09 am] qwert : Good
morning mike, everybody :)) [06:10
am] joeytsa : Good morning Mitch,
traders [06:11 am] joeytsa : only
report today is the richmond manufacturing @
7pdt [06:11 am] reshef : Good
morning [06:11 am] joeytsa : gap up:
ARMH,COH,UVXY,WHR [06:11 am] khall :
good morning all [06:11 am] lisas :
gm all [06:11 am] taco : good
morning [06:12 am] shark : thx
joey [06:12 am] joeytsa : gap down:
joeytsa : STX not STXX [06:12 am]
joeytsa : markets got kicked
overnight [06:12 am] shark : MNST
more bad press about dead kids [06:12 am]
qwert : thx joey [06:14 am]
skydiver : gm all [06:15 am]
shark : hi sky [06:15 am]
skydiver : hey shark [06:18 am]
joeytsa : looks l ike 1411 area is
support on ES [06:18 am] cowboyh :
GM everyone [06:19 am] doji : Good
morning, just connecting to say
hello… [06:20 am] khall : gm
doji [06:20 am] qwert : gm
doji [06:20 am] shark : hi
doji [06:21 am] skydiver : hey
doji [06:21 am] doji : Hi Khall,
qwert, shark, sky [06:21 am] doji :
I have 6 conference calls today… it will be
a long day… [06:22 am] skydiver :
sounds like it doji — sorry about
that [06:22 am] qwert : wow that
sounds like fun [06:23 am] elisha :
GM Mitch, Ed and everyone [06:23 am]
taco : doji, when will you go full time
trader? [06:23 am] khall : wow –
six? good luck… [06:23 am]
doji : Hi Taco…. I am still
learning… [06:24 am] joeytsa :
arent we all 🙂 [06:24 am] khall :
every day [06:24 am] qwert : i know
i am [06:24 am] joeytsa : MNST
moving [06:24 am] shark :
yup [06:25 am] doji : Moved $1 in
the pre-market already… [06:25 am]
doji : Shark, are you in MNST via
options? [06:25 am] shark :
nope [06:25 am] shark : watching
though [06:25 am] mikewd2 -: cramer saying
there will be FDA action [06:26 am]
doji : Ouchhhh [06:26 am]
shark : yeah [06:26 am] mikewd2 -:
isn’t it 5 deaths over 5 years? [06:26 am]
shark : LLULU down 2% [06:27 am]
shark : yeah, w/heart
conditions [06:27 am] shark :
probably had more people die from KO in that
time frame [06:27 am] doji : GS says
the risk of losing growth already priced….
hahahah [06:27 am] shark : via
obesity/diabetes [06:27 am] mikewd2 -:
seems over done to me, I’ve actually never
had an energy drink [06:28 am] shark
: me neither [06:28 am] qwert : i
have tasted one they are awful [06:28 am]
shark : 2 drinks =14 cups
coffee [06:28 am] mikewd2 -: yeah, never
sounded that good to me, I caution my kids
about them. [06:28 am] shark : =
coffeee toxicity [06:28 am] shark :
a real condition [06:28 am] joeytsa
: terrible, just as bad as drinks with
aspertame [06:29 am] joeytsa : you
grab fake energy and it attacks your adrenal
glands eventually [06:29 am] mikewd2 -: i
like aspertame! lol [06:29 am] shark
: haha [06:30 am] shark : i never
heard of it on anyone’s death certificate,
mike [06:30 am] reshef :
RF [06:30 am] joeytsa : they call it
something else [06:30 am] doji :
DD [06:31 am] shark : you got time
for a trade, doji? [06:32 am] doji :
GOOG [06:32 am] eyes : ST
alert [06:32 am] shark :
PCLN [06:32 am] joeytsa : crude
sitting at $87 [06:33 am] doji :
NFLX [06:34 am] shark : watching
MNST [06:35 am] doji : NFLX
strong [06:36 am] joeytsa : ES
slight selloff, trying to hold 1410 [06:38
am] doji : ES selling off [06:38 am]
shark : NFLX new lod [06:38 am]
doji : Watching CMG [06:40 am]
joeytsa : AAPL still trying to find a
bottom [06:40 am] doji : CMG L
235.47 [06:41 am] shark : COH at
R3 [06:41 am] shark : watch for CMG
at b/e doji [06:41 am] doji : out
1/2 CMG L [06:41 am] joeytsa : ALXN
ugly so far [06:41 am] shark :
MNST [06:42 am] joeytsa : yeah
shark..hugging $43 [06:42 am] shark
: REGN too, joey [06:42 am] doji :
Watching AMZN [06:42 am] joeytsa :
COH into $57 [06:43 am] doji : Nice
CMG [06:43 am] shark : COH s
@58.18 [06:43 am] shark : CMG @
Pivot [06:44 am] mikewd2 -: MNST moving
up [06:44 am] shark : watching MNST
at vwap [06:45 am] doji : all out
CMG… [06:45 am] doji : sure it
moves up now….hahaha [06:45 am]
shark : KORS/LULU not following COH
bounce [06:45 am] joeytsa : WPI
trying to bottom..lower vol [06:45 am]
doji : Nice short in COH
Sharlk [06:45 am] shark : nice
doji [06:46 am] shark : 😉 [06:46
am] doji : MNST could break down Mike
below 42.5 [06:47 am] doji : GOOG up
$10 from open [06:47 am] joeytsa :
looking for an ES break, above 1410, below
1408 [06:47 am] mikewd2 -: FSL L
8.98 [06:47 am] shark : you mean
from low, doji? [06:48 am] doji :
Yes Shark [06:48 am] eyes : what
your stop mike [06:49 am] mikewd2 -:
8.89 [06:49 am] joeytsa : BIDU
hod [06:49 am] doji : Run GOOG
run [06:50 am] mikewd2 -: nice
doji [06:50 am] shark : you get an
option? [06:50 am] doji : Thanks
traded only CMG and GOOG…. [06:50 am]
mikewd2 -: via options doji? [06:51 am]
doji : Nope [06:51 am] doji :
All out GOOG now…. [06:51 am] doji
: have to leave [06:51 am] doji :
see ya later fellas [06:51 am]
joeytsa : nice doji [06:51 am]
qwert : bye doji [06:51 am]
shark : bye doji [06:51 am]
khall : bye doji – have a good
one [06:52 am] joeytsa : ALXN still
hugging $99 [06:52 am] qwert :
monitoring CE [06:53 am] skydiver :
take care doji [06:53 am] taco : bye
doji [06:54 am] joeytsa : watching
ARG [06:54 am] mikewd2 -: watching
TSO [06:56 am] joeytsa : watch
ISIS [06:56 am] shark : 1/2 off COH
s 56.32 [06:57 am] joeytsa : ISIS
will be on cramer tonight [06:57 am]
skydiver : S HOG 46.59 – come on down
HOG [06:57 am] shark : watching for
MNST to break over vwap [06:58 am]
shark : testing all day [06:58 am]
joeytsa : WHR might be powering up
again [07:00 am] joeytsa : NSM
running [07:00 am] reshef :
nflx [07:00 am] joeytsa : brokw
small cup at 34.20 [07:00 am]
skydiver : covered HOG at
46.28 [07:01 am] joeytsa : AMZN
strong so far [07:02 am] joeytsa :
kind of rangebound [07:03 am]
skydiver : CRM finally broke to highter
ground [07:04 am] khall : yep nice
move off bottom [07:04 am] skydiver
: 🙂 [07:04 am] shark : out all COH
s [07:05 am] skydiver : nice
shark [07:05 am] joeytsa : COH was
nice [07:06 am] skydiver : all out
of CRM L 146.22 – 147.28 [07:07 am]
skydiver : NFLX – renewed take over
chatter [07:08 am] shark : yeah,
joey [07:09 am] shawn : what is good
price to take VRTX short? [07:10 am]
joeytsa : NFLX earnings today
also [07:10 am] skydiver : thnx
joey [07:11 am] mikewd2 -: out TSO, easy
1% [07:11 am] joeytsa : watching
TSCO [07:12 am] mikewd2 -: MNST needs to
move pass 43.40, keeps bumping up
against [07:16 am] joeytsa : crude
heading lower [07:16 am] mikewd2 -: wow –
down 2.19 joey [07:16 am] shark :
CMG pop [07:17 am] shark : $100m
buyback [07:17 am] mikewd2 -: UCO will be
a good swing at some point [07:17 am]
shark : announced the other
day [07:18 am] mikewd2 -: CEO on Cramer
last night or night before, said he thought
the sell off was good to allow new buyers to
get the stock [07:18 am] shark : CFO
-Jack Hartung, yeah [07:18 am] mikewd2 -:
right, sorry [07:18 am] joeytsa : if
he really thougth that, they would have done
a split [07:18 am] mikewd2 -: good
point [07:18 am] shark : I
don [07:18 am] shark : I don’t want
splits, joey [07:18 am] joeytsa : no
CEO wants stock prices lower [07:19 am]
shark : lowers my option
plays [07:19 am] reshef :
apa [07:19 am] joeytsa : 1407 trying
to hold [07:20 am] skydiver :
getting my head back in the game — finally
back into the green — probably should have
done virtual today. . . [07:20 am]
joeytsa : tighten ARG if long [07:21
am] skydiver : SPY trying to boiunce .
. . but . . . . [07:21 am] mikewd2 -: long
CMG, looking to sell covered calls
weekly [07:21 am] shark :
🙂 [07:23 am] shark : weeklys are
nice, mike [07:24 am] mikewd2 -: yeah
245’s break in 240, bought at
241.00 [07:24 am] mikewd2 -: 245’s bring
in 2.40 [07:25 am] joeytsa : crude
into $86 [07:25 am] mikewd2 -: MNST, added
to long [07:31 am] joeytsa : do we
lose 1400 today? [07:32 am] apple :
gm all – was in a futures class.
watching LULU [07:32 am] khall :
probably [07:32 am] skydiver : gmk
apple [07:32 am] joeytsa : so whats
in my future apple 🙂 [07:33 am]
apple : green, joey [07:33 am]
joeytsa : 🙂 [07:33 am]
joeytsa : REGN weak [07:34 am]
mikewd2 -: watching TSO [07:35 am]
joeytsa : you didnt short TSO
mike? [07:36 am] mikewd2 -: nope went long
35.74 [07:36 am] mikewd2 -: stop
35.59 [07:36 am] joeytsa : no i
meant on that lower hjigh [07:36 am]
mikewd2 -: no [07:39 am] joeytsa :
this market looks weak right now [07:39
am] skydiver : sure does joey [07:40
am] joeytsa : amazing how the tone
changes on cnbc on down days [07:40 am]
mikewd2 -: watching WFT [07:42 am]
khall : isn’t it though? [07:43 am]
shawn : I like it Mitch, when you say
buy the stock or short the stock here. It
gives me more confidence [07:46 am]
joeytsa : break time, make some
money..see you in a little bit [07:46 am]
skydiver : enjoy joey [07:47 am]
khall : later joey [07:47 am]
skydiver : I am long JOY 60.17 – also
watching CF [07:52 am] skydiver :
out 3/4 JOY L at 60.41 [07:53 am]
skydiver : KORS came up
nicely [07:53 am] skydiver : all out
of JOY L [07:54 am] skydiver : well,
nice to be back and ended day green!!
🙂 See you all tomorrow morning – makes
lots of $$$ [07:55 am] qwert : bye
sky [07:55 am] apple : bye sky,
gladd to hear, good job [07:55 am]
skydiver : 🙂 [07:55 am] khall
: bye sky – see you tomorrow [07:57 am]
scalpman : SBUX L @ 44.31 [07:58 am]
apple : nice entry scalp [07:59 am]
qwert : yeah really nice
scalp [08:00 am] apple : NFLX
moving [08:04 am] scalpman : sell
1/2 SBUX L [08:04 am] apple : nice
bounce off bottom on ES [08:04 am] Ed :
nice trading scalp [08:04 am] eyes :
see you all tommorrow [08:05 am]
apple : bye eyes, have fun [08:05
am] Ed : c ya eyes [08:05 am] qwert
: cya eyes [08:05 am] taco : bye
eyes, nice scalp [08:05 am] scalpman
: Thanks Ed [08:05 am] scalpman :
thanks taco [08:07 am] scalpman :
all out (sell) SBUX L [08:07 am]
qwert : nice trade scalp [08:08 am]
apple : great scalp [08:08 am]
scalpman : Thanks, qwert
apple [08:12 am] apple : good chart
E [08:17 am] joeytsa : ALXN nice
move off bottom [08:17 am] apple :
beautiful E [08:18 am] apple : good
one joey [08:18 am] joeytsa :
unfortunately it moved while i was
away [08:18 am] joeytsa : was
watching it all morning [08:21 am]
apple : you cannot go away! i saw
it — nice drop at open [08:29 am]
joeytsa : yeah, really weak
Ed [08:29 am] joeytsa : same with
MLNX, trying to bottom here at $69 [08:39
am] apple : another retest on
ES? [08:40 am] elisha : Have to
leave early today, I wish you all the best –
have a good day [08:41 am] joeytsa :
bye elisha [08:41 am] apple : have
fun elisha [08:41 am] elisha : ‘ ‘ )
flounder smile [08:42 am] apple :
cute haha [08:44 am] Ed : c ya
elisha [08:44 am] khall : bye
elisha [08:46 am] joeytsa : CIT
pulling back [08:46 am] apple : does
the market seem slow today? [08:46 am]
joeytsa : maybe not much blood left in
the victim 🙂 [08:47 am] apple :
after the vampires sucked it out [08:47
am] apple : it feels like slow
motion… [08:47 am] joeytsa : ES
holding 1403 right now [08:48 am]
joeytsa : loss there gets it to
1400 [08:48 am] apple : touched it 4
times already joey [08:48 am]
joeytsa : test of 1400 then things get
very interesting [08:48 am] apple :
next stop 1300 [08:48 am] joeytsa :
tighten MLNX if long [08:49 am]
apple : AAPL to introduce new 7 inch
ipad in about an hour [08:49 am]
joeytsa : i will use that line on my
wife tonight haha [08:50 am]
apple : haha [08:52 am] shawn
: is ORLY toppy? [08:53 am] Ed : not
enough money here on short side [08:53 am]
Ed : for me [08:53 am] apple : shawn
those are only 5 cent increments [08:54
am] shawn : great ED: Lets focus on the
big Bucks $$$ [08:54 am] joeytsa :
Es; are you saying that with $81 as a
potential support? [08:54 am]
joeytsa : i agree, just
asking [08:54 am] joeytsa : Ed not
Es [08:54 am] apple : you are
getting him confused with emini,
lol [08:55 am] joeytsa : more like
poor typing [08:55 am] Ed : right, u have
some confluence right there with 50 rising
and piovt then vwap at .76 and ma’s at 80.60
which coincides with prev high [08:56 am]
joeytsa : nice [08:56 am] Ed : alot
of traffice underneath [08:56 am] mikewd2
-: VRNG [08:57 am] joeytsa : just
like your point the other day, some traders
see different things [08:57 am] Ed : nice
if u caught it [08:57 am] joeytsa :
based on their chart setups etc [08:57 am]
Ed : true joey [08:57 am] Ed : u get short
mike [08:57 am] joeytsa : i only
have the 5/15 ma, but i saw $81 as
support..you had the 50 below [08:58 am]
Ed : but we both saw r/r [08:58 am]
mikewd2 -: Vringo awarded USPTO patent for
changing content across platforms [08:58
am] joeytsa : no VRGN shorts @
ls [08:58 am] joeytsa : VRNG i
mean [08:59 am] joeytsa : right, if
anything, the break and re-test over $81 was
a buy signal [08:59 am] mikewd2 -: no i
went long at 3.7, standing order and was
away [08:59 am] mikewd2 -: so still have
it [08:59 am] mikewd2 -: have stop at b/e
now though [09:00 am] apple : there
goes ORLY now [09:01 am] mikewd2 -: eyes:
do you still have FSL [09:01 am] mikewd2
-: what happend to eyes? [09:02 am] Ed :
he left for the day [09:02 am] apple
: he left awhile ago mike [09:04 am]
mikewd2 -: selling half FSL at pivot,
+1.5% [09:05 am] apple : nice one
mike [09:05 am] mikewd2 -: slow mover
though [09:05 am] joeytsa : you held
that long, nice patience [09:05 am]
joeytsa : you got that right after the
open right [09:06 am] mikewd2 -: that’s my
old company, Freescale – good for day trade
but low vol stock [09:06 am] joeytsa
: ahh, i was going to ask how the heck you
found that trade hahah [09:07 am] mikewd2
-: yeah got it at 8.98 out half
9.12 [09:07 am] joeytsa : 5M shares
is good though 🙂 [09:07 am] mikewd2 -:
not sure that trade that much in a year –
lol [09:08 am] joeytsa : yeah,
better you than me [09:08 am]
joeytsa : ALXN at $101 now [09:08
am] apple : haha [09:09 am]
joeytsa : KMT vol spike [09:09 am]
joeytsa : 80cent spike [09:09 am]
apple : thx joey [09:10 am] mikewd2
-: MNST [09:10 am] mikewd2 -:
lod [09:11 am] joeytsa : MNST is
sick…must have drank their own product
🙂 [09:11 am] apple : uck, how can
people give that to their kids – or let them
drink it? [09:12 am] joeytsa : same
way they let them eat at McD’s [09:12 am]
doji : 5min break…. did I miss
something? [09:12 am] doji : MNST,
MCD? [09:12 am] reshef :
coh [09:13 am] joeytsa : tigthen KMT
if short [09:13 am] apple : doji,
market is slow today [09:14 am] doji
: Big hammer on daily in COH [09:14 am]
apple : right, joey… never a
good idea [09:15 am] doji : COH
wants to ove higher [09:15 am] apple
: ES bounce off of lod [09:16 am]
reshef : 59.9 is possibl for
coh? [09:17 am] scalpman : Time to
go…see you all tomorrow. [09:17 am]
scalpman : Scalpman has left the
building! [09:17 am] apple : bye
scalp, have fun [09:17 am] joeytsa :
bye scalp [09:17 am] khall : have a
good one scalp [09:18 am] qwert :
cya scalp [09:18 am] Ed : c ya
scalp [09:19 am] qwert : MNST
another new lod [09:19 am] apple :
COH really took off today. [09:29 am]
qwert : mnst volume picking
up [09:30 am] apple : E i like
looking at the 15 min charts, puts everything
into a much better perspective [09:31 am]
qwert : same here apple i have a 15 min
up of everything i trade [09:31 am] Ed :
it really does [09:32 am] apple :
clears up the noise [09:32 am] go4it
: MNST bounce [09:55 am] joeytsa : i
hate these mid-day slowdowns [09:55 am]
apple : it’s been pretty slow much of
the day already. [09:56 am] joeytsa
: gonna start doing my workouts this time
again [09:57 am] aussie123 : High
noon in NY JOEY [09:57 am] apple :
agree, when are you doing them now
— [09:57 am] joeytsa :
yep [09:58 am] joeytsa : 1pm
pdt [09:58 am] apple : aussie – it
is close to 1 pm now [09:58 am]
apple : after the close? [09:58 am]
aussie123 : Thanks [09:58 am]
joeytsa : yeah [09:59 am]
joeytsa : think i just might do it
mid-day year round [09:59 am] mikewd2 -:
out 1/4 FSL over 2% [09:59 am] apple
: aussie, when we change the clocks back i
think next week [09:59 am] joeytsa :
11/4 is dst [09:59 am] apple :
actually between 11:30 and 1:00 can be rather
slow [10:00 am] aussie123 : In AZ we
dont use day light savings…stay the same
all year [10:00 am] joeytsa : yeah,
a few places like that [10:00 am]
apple : ipad launch at 1 pm [10:00
am] joeytsa : indianapolis doesnt
change [10:00 am] apple :
now… [10:01 am] apple : part of
indiana is central and another part eastern
time, i think [10:01 am] joeytsa :
yeah, and indy just stays put [10:02 am]
aussie123 : boy that would drive you up
a wall [10:02 am] joeytsa : we used
to gig there, always had to figure out what
time they were on for timing our trips
there [10:03 am] joeytsa : sometimes
had to leave an hour earlier to get
there/setup on time etc [10:04 am]
aussie123 : where was home at that
time??? [10:05 am] joeytsa :
depended on which hotel i was at [10:05
am] joeytsa : had all my mail go to NY
though [10:08 am] apple : that would
be very very confusing… where am i?
what time is it? what time do i have to
be there? [10:08 am] joeytsa : ALXN
might try to get over $102 [10:09 am]
joeytsa : wasnt too bad actually, just
indy got confusing sometimes [10:14 am]
taco : apple, when is ipad
announcement? [10:14 am] apple :
they are announcing it now [10:15 am]
taco : oh [10:17 am] qwert :
monitoring armh [10:17 am] joeytsa :
ONXX spike, AAPL moving [10:19 am]
joeytsa : same time AAPL is [10:22
am] taco : joey, how many of the gaps
you posted did you trade this am? [10:24
am] joeytsa : taco: only 2 of
them [10:24 am] joeytsa : some days
none though..all depends on the
action [10:24 am] taco :
thanks [10:25 am] joeytsa : im more
conservative than i used to be [10:25 am]
mikewd2 -: all out FSL over 3% on last
1/4 [10:25 am] taco : more
profitable too? [10:25 am] joeytsa :
not always [10:25 am] murano :
ARMH [10:25 am] taco : ) [10:25
am] reshef : armh [10:25 am]
joeytsa : ARMH trying to
break [10:26 am] joeytsa : see there
taco, ARMH was one of the ones i
listed, but didnt trade..nice move so
far [10:27 am] taco : will check in
a bit.. on replay mode [10:27 am]
taco : but thanks [10:27 am]
joeytsa : for me with gaps, i list them
to see if htey will move right near the
open [10:28 am] joeytsa : after 30
minutes i tend to lose track of
them [10:29 am] joeytsa : MNST
giving nice 20-40cent trades past
hour [10:33 am] joeytsa : nice
little V in AAPL 1min [10:37 am]
joeytsa : ARG has been nice
today [10:38 am] joeytsa : inside
cup break at $83, outside cup @
$83.80 [10:39 am] reshef :
lnkd [10:40 am] Ed : yep nice chart
joey [10:40 am] joeytsa : i was on
it earlier, then left it [10:40 am]
joeytsa : but beautiful chart, make a
fortune just waiting for those
setups [10:42 am] murano :
WHR [10:43 am] joeytsa : WHR gapped
up, pulled back on open and up aroudn $6
since [10:45 am] joeytsa : see you
all in 30 [10:49 am] apple : have
fun joey [10:53 am] taco : Ed, not
sure if you covered this before: do OHLC
indicators use after and pre market data? or
can/should that be turned off? same Q for
other indicators too please. [10:54 am] Ed
: i just use them during regular market
hours [10:54 am] taco : ok [10:54
am] taco : thx [11:07 am]
apple : AAPL diving after
conference [11:13 am] victor51 :
Murano, Thanks for the only trade entered
today ARMH S at 31.80 [11:14 am] Ed : nice
patience victor [11:15 am] victor51
: ARMH dropped beloe 50 mva 2 min [11:15
am] taco : nice victor [11:17 am]
apple : good one victor, too bad you
also didn’t get it on the way up [11:19
am] victor51 : Hi Aple, i was off this
morning. I hope you rode way up. [11:21
am] apple : no, but it was a tremendous
jump [11:22 am] joeytsa : guess they
dont like the new ipad [11:22 am]
victor51 : Apple. ARMH is big supplier
to Aapl and is riding with aapl. [11:24
am] apple : oh, okay, got it,
thx [11:29 am] apple : RVBD had a
triple top over the last 3 days [11:32 am]
aussie123 : Probly the price
tag [11:33 am] joeytsa : aaple: i
wouldnt take RVBD long until it crosses
$24 [11:34 am] apple : agree,
joey [11:35 am] joeytsa : and thats
on a swing, not much of a daytrade type
stock [11:38 am] apple :
right. was just looking at
CAVM [11:41 am] apple : CL finally
moved off its lows [11:42 am]
joeytsa : nice Ed [11:42 am]
apple : nice E [11:43 am] taco
: NICE eD [11:43 am] taco : caps
sorry [11:43 am] Ed : thx [11:43 am]
joeytsa : Ed, now you can just buy your
own Christmas gifts…who needs doji
🙂 [11:44 am] Ed : lol [11:45 am]
apple : haha, of course doji is not
here… [11:45 am] joeytsa : doji
took Ed and me off his list
yesterday [11:45 am] joeytsa :
🙂 [11:46 am] joeytsa : AGU breaking
over $107, see if it retests [11:50 am]
joeytsa : ES just broke thru
S2 [11:51 am] joeytsa : WHR keeps
trying to break $93 [11:55 am] apple
: thx MK, E and everyone. gotta pick up
robert have a wonderful evening,
all. [11:55 am] joeytsa : have fun
apple [11:55 am] Ed : c ya apple [11:55
am] taco : BYE APPLE [11:56 am]
taco : CAPS [11:56 am] apple :
haha [11:56 am] taco : ) [11:56
am] victor51 : bye Apple [11:56 am]
joeytsa : nice push on WHR [11:58
am] doji : 1 minute break… dang I a m
missing all the trades today… [11:58 am]
joeytsa : not a lot though
doji [11:59 am] doji : Ok… make
tons of money fellas… have to get back to
my 4th conference call…. another 3 to
go… [11:59 am] doji : see ya
tomorrow… [11:59 am] joeytsa :
have fun doji [12:00 pm] joeytsa :
MNST making a move too [12:00 pm]
joeytsa : another late day rally like
yesterday? [12:02 pm] joeytsa : MNST
ran right to the 41.10 res from
earlier [12:06 pm] joeytsa : ALXN
trying to hold this support level [12:10
pm] joeytsa : watching for an ES break
below 1411 or above 1414 [12:14 pm]
mikewd2 -: out WFT 11.85 from 11.65 [12:14
pm] joeytsa : obama down to $200-$100
on the betting line, lowest so far [12:15
pm] taco : nice mike [12:15 pm]
mikewd2 -: yeah, he wasn’t that impressive
last night [12:15 pm] joeytsa : he
was a bit better than romney on foreign
stuff, but should be..even thru the lies
🙂 [12:16 pm] mikewd2 -: yeah, i would
expect him to be [12:16 pm] joeytsa
: romney did what he needed to do..just dont
mess up [12:17 pm] mikewd2 -:
exactly [12:17 pm] joeytsa :
supposedly Trump has some big announcement
about 0bama coming [12:18 pm]
joeytsa : after his last one he might
want to call geraldo rivera [12:18 pm]
qwert : hahaha [12:20 pm]
joeytsa : ALXN to test hod [12:23
pm] joeytsa : AAPL earnings on thurs,
should move the market bigtime [12:27 pm]
joeytsa : my 12:20 post should have
said AGU not ALXN..sorry [12:27 pm]
joeytsa : same with the
12:06post [12:30 pm] joeytsa : ACE
up $1 past 20minutes [12:31 pm]
joeytsa : more like 70cents [12:31
pm] joeytsa : gotta get these glasses
fixed [12:32 pm] joeytsa : DD new
200day low [12:36 pm] joeytsa : AAPL
down aroudn $15 since the ipad
announcement [12:38 pm] taco :
heading out, see you in the am [12:38 pm]
joeytsa : bye taco [12:39 pm]
qwert : cya taco [12:40 pm]
joeytsa : im cutting out soon too, next
few days should have some movers
also [12:41 pm] joeytsa : Thanks
Mitch,Ed, everyone…snjoy your
afternoon [12:41 pm] Ed : c ya
joey [12:41 pm] victor51 : Hi
Joey, what’s next stop now for
ES [12:41 pm] shark : bye
joey [12:42 pm] joeytsa : victor:
best guess for today is 1403, then 1400..no
clue overnight [12:42 pm] joeytsa :
to the downside obviously [12:43 pm]
shark : all out COH s +1.53 [12:45
pm] Ed : nice trade shark [12:45 pm]
shark : nice doji on the daily
COH [12:45 pm] shark : 🙂 thx,
Ed [12:51 pm] shark : can you guys
put up NFLX & FB for
earnings? [12:52 pm] Ed : sure will
shark [12:52 pm] shark :
🙂 [01:01 pm] qwert : bye
everybody [01:01 pm] qwert : nflx is
reporting today? [01:01 pm] shark :
yes [01:01 pm] qwert : i like to
watch that one on earnings [01:02 pm]
shark : FB too, qwert [01:02 pm]
qwert : okay yeah have both charts up
now [01:02 pm] shark : BWLD bites
the dust [01:04 pm] qwert : ive
eaten at bwld its pretty good [01:05 pm]
doji : NFLX [01:05 pm] shark :
ouch [01:05 pm] shark : se
cayo [01:05 pm] qwert :
wow [01:05 pm] shark :
-13.52% [01:05 pm] shark : FB
too [01:05 pm] shark :
WHOAAAAA [01:05 pm] doji : you wiull
get your 50 target Shark [01:05 pm]
shark : jajajaja [01:06 pm]
doji : FB dropping [01:06 pm]
shark : short is the way to play the
earnings [01:06 pm] shark : fear
greater than greed [01:07 pm] shark
: subscriptions decreased yoy [01:07 pm]
doji : Are you playing FB, NFLX and
BWLD Shark via optons? [01:07 pm]
shark : sorry, incorrect [01:08 pm]
doji : Bye Mitch [01:08 pm]
shark : on sideline looking for trend
or trend reversal plays [01:08 pm]
doji : ES will be nasty
tomorrow? [01:08 pm] shark : could
be if TOO MANY stocks are reporting bad
earnings [01:09 pm] shark : NFLX
conference call starts 3pm PT [01:10 pm]
doji : FB moving up [01:12 pm]
doji : See ya Sharky… [01:14 pm]
shark : bye doji [01:17 pm]
shark : nice turn on FB [01:18 pm]
shark : +2 points off bottom [01:19
pm] shark : YES [01:19 pm]
shark : toppy here [01:20 pm]
shark : lightning work well on after
hour stock earnings? [01:21 pm]
shark : 🙂 [01:22 pm] shark :
wow, ok [01:23 pm] victor51 : Any
signal on nflx? [01:26 pm] shark :
that will show up in yellow? [01:26 pm]
qwert : how about for FB [01:26 pm]
shark : on lightning? [01:26 pm]
qwert : yes [01:27 pm] shark :
let’s see what lightning got [01:27 pm]
shark : hahahah [01:27 pm]
qwert : hahaha [01:27 pm]
shark : must be silver then [01:27
pm] shark : if you are trading
it [01:29 pm] shark : I work hard,
Mitch [01:29 pm] qwert : like
brats [01:29 pm] shark : sweep up in
TSA room after hours, too [01:30 pm]
shark : get rid of all all the leftover
bits and bytes [01:33 pm] shark :
nice one [01:33 pm] qwert : how
about FB im short small amount at
21.36 [01:34 pm] shark : I almost
got faked on that first SELL signal –
FB [01:36 pm] qwert : lots of
moves [01:36 pm] shark : why does it
go straight from Green to Red, etc? Is it
strong turn, so no Yellow? [01:38 pm]
qwert : so if signal comes up in yellow
zone you ignore correct? [01:42 pm]
shark : yes qwert, correct [01:43
pm] victor51 : Qwert, Since Es was
dropping so fast last 30 minutes. may be
yellow zone ok. Do you agree? [01:43 pm]
shark : THX, MITCH! [01:43 pm]
qwert : bye mitch [01:43 pm]
shark : over and out guys! [01:43
pm] victor51 : Thanks Mitch [01:44
pm] qwert : not really sure victor i am
just learning futures and have been sim
trading it [01:51 pm] victor51 :
what’s main difference you have found futures
and stock so far [01:57 pm] victor51
: bye