Chat Highlights From 09/04/2012

TSA Moderator ChatUser Chat
[06:29 am] Ed : the range is kind of small this am in premarket, would use lighter size on positions see if we can get larger move
[06:30 am] Mitch K: watching NFLX for bottom
[06:30 am] Mitch K: watching ABT for bogttom
[06:30 am] Mitch K: watching PROJ for top
[06:31 am] Mitch K: watching TSCO for top
[06:31 am] Mitch K: watching MPWR for bottom
[06:32 am] Mitch K: watching MYGN for bottom
[06:32 am] Mitch K: watching QCOM for bottom
[06:32 am] Mitch K: watching VRX for multiple trades today
[06:34 am] Mitch K: watching NE for bottom
[06:34 am] Mitch K: watching EMR for bottom
[06:35 am] Mitch K: watching SOHU for bottom
[06:35 am] Mitch K: watching VAR for bottom to buy
[06:35 am] Mitch K: watching CLF for bottom
[06:35 am] Mitch K: watching FSLR for bottom
[06:38 am] Mitch K: watching SWI for top
[06:38 am] Mitch K: watching JBL for bottom
[06:39 am] Mitch K: watching MDVN for top to short
[06:40 am] Mitch K: more downside on QCOR
[06:40 am] Ed : monitor VRX @ near 60 level
[06:41 am] Mitch K: watchign BVN for bottom
[06:41 am] Ed : AMZN tryn to breakout
[06:42 am] Mitch K: watching APH for bottom, take awhile
[06:43 am] Ed : SPY trading at lod
[06:45 am] Mitch K: watching ETN for bottom
[06:46 am] Mitch K: watching DG for bottom
[06:46 am] Mitch K: watching ROVI for top, take more time
[06:47 am] Mitch K: NFLX bottoming
[06:50 am] Mitch K: sorry
[06:50 am] Mitch K: cnc
[06:50 am] Mitch K: watching FSLR for bottom
[06:51 am] Mitch K: sell MYGN
[06:52 am] Mitch K: watchign ISIS for top
[06:54 am] Ed : VRX turned over nicely
[06:54 am] Mitch K: AIG toppy
[06:56 am] Ed : if u shorted VRX would cover some here
[06:58 am] Ed : cover more VRX short here
[07:00 am] Ed : if u still have piece of VRX would trail
[07:02 am] Ed : out all VRX short
[07:08 am] Ed : SPY new lod
[07:10 am] Ed : nice drop in SPY
[07:12 am] Ed : SPY lower lows
[07:16 am] Ed : getting bounce in SPY
[07:22 am] Ed : bounce in SPY still kind of weak
[07:29 am] Ed : SPY still trading near lod
[07:30 am] Ed : SPY new lod
[07:33 am] Ed : MDVN very strong against markets
[07:33 am] Ed : if u took NFLX long would reduce
[07:37 am] Ed : SPY tring to bounce
[07:42 am] Mitch K: watching for top in NFLX to sell long
[07:48 am] Mitch K: sell signal on NFLX
[07:56 am] Ed : SPY new lod
[08:00 am] Mitch K: ETN bouncing
[08:11 am] Ed : TIF tryn to bottom, I would like more selling for setup
[08:15 am] Ed : if u were able to take TIF long would reduce some here
[08:30 am] Ed : ISIS still strong
[08:43 am] Ed : AAPL won $625million verdict that was an appeal
[08:44 am] Ed : JB< still in downtrend
[08:59 am] Mitch K: buy signal on JBL
[08:59 am] Ed : early signal on JBL
[09:01 am] Mitch K: i am showing ETN because should be out of yoru long
[09:01 am] Mitch K: ETN on right
[09:01 am] Mitch K: JBL chart on left
[09:02 am] Mitch K: use common sense even with systems.  JBL looks weak to me so far, real weak
[09:04 am] Mitch K: now you see a sell signal, thats equivalent of a stop
[09:05 am] Mitch K: ed i didnt get a buy signal on JBL because i did not have that chart up.  can only get a signal alert if chart is up of specific instrument.
[09:06 am] Mitch K: we got that version working this weekend on an earlier signal.  i emailed some of you guys late last night, i saw some emails didnt get delivered until this morning,
[09:07 am] Mitch K: NFLX chart on left
[09:08 am] Mitch K: natural gas really moving around well.  chart on left
[09:08 am] Mitch K: on left
[09:08 am] Mitch K: Euro-USD
[09:09 am] Mitch K: lisas, i emailed you yesterday to go in room, you like this?
[09:10 am] Mitch K: this sell signal right here is 1 candle sooner than older version
[09:11 am] Mitch K: probably in your spam folder
[09:12 am] Mitch K: this is JBL on left
[09:15 am] Mitch K: i had a setting on it mike that was to show a real-time signal that can come and go on occasion.  it is super sensitive and wont be the setting you will get.
[09:17 am] Mitch K: this super sensitive setting is for my own use to observe how it is acting
[09:20 am] Mitch K: i dont like taking a signal on first reversal color candle
[09:20 am] Mitch K: the very earliest sell signals is a red candle but i dont take a signal on that first red candle
[09:22 am] Mitch K: on right chart
[09:22 am] Mitch K: there is your TIF trade chingo
[09:28 am] Mitch K: you guys still long JBL?  i wouldnt buy now, i was just curious if anyone still long
[09:31 am] Mitch K: turned into a sell signal
[09:32 am] Mitch K: it takes several weeks to get used to it.  took me 3 weeks before i was comfortable using it with money
[09:32 am] Mitch K: well lisa, what this does is allow you to handle a lot of open positions without having to stress out and watch them all at same time
[09:34 am] Mitch K: here is STX from earlier, a short
[09:34 am] Mitch K: just remember it is consistency that this helps you out, and allows you to increase your work load, which results in more profits.  yes you can get better signals manually occasionally but not all day, everyday, you probalby wont outperform LIghtning and for sure you wont be able to handle as many positions
[09:35 am] Mitch K: this is 2 min JBL, no sell signals.  the longer the time frame the fewer the trades,
[09:35 am] Mitch K: sorry about that, i was looking for something else,
[09:36 am] Mitch K: fewer the signals i mean,  not quite as precise of entry price and exit price but keeps you in a trade longer
[09:37 am] Mitch K: yes khall, thats what i do, execute on a 1 min and monitor stocks on a 2 min
[09:37 am] Mitch K: it will calm you down a lot so you can see what to do.  you wont be as hyperactive or stressed
[09:38 am] Mitch K: this alert window is only going to show you what charts you have open but as i mentioned to skydiver on Friday that he wont perform well with 40 charts open because the alert window will be generating sounds constantly with that many charts.
[09:39 am] Mitch K: what i would do, what i suggest is start by monitoring 3 charts.  use a simulator, dont use real money at first until you are confident and comfortable how to use the tool
[09:40 am] Mitch K: i really want you guys to make a lot more money, thats my number one goal.  as well as make your life easier while trading.  i know how stressful trading can be
[09:42 am] Mitch K: ok see now we got a signal
[09:42 am] Mitch K: form = formal
[09:42 am] Mitch K: i personally dont like hanging around for last 12 minutes a stock isnt going anywhere, well except sideways with a slight bias to the downside
[09:42 am] Mitch K: even though no form signal has arrived
[09:42 am] Mitch K: just fyi, the way i see JBL now is a sell
[09:43 am] Mitch K: now here is what your tendency will be when you use this.  You won’t trust the signal
[09:44 am] Mitch K: the way to build trust with this or anythign else is to look at a lot of charts.  Use the big movers that we go after every single morning in the first hour.  then track the few that keep moving, like that VRX or ones that had mulltiple point moves and bigger percentage moves
[09:46 am] Mitch K: im not asking you to take leap of faith because i like it, you want to verify, study and confirm that it is doing the right thing
[09:48 am] Mitch K: remember the chart that makes you homeless if you trade it?  don’t post this kind of stuff.  otherwise, everyone will ignore your posts, just post the big movers.
[09:48 am] Mitch K: i mean signals posted by you on what you are looking at
[09:48 am] Mitch K: what i would further like to do with this Trading Room is see more good signals posted on stocks that you are looking at that are big movers.  example, i wasnt watching JBL while Ed was and i didnt get a signal.
[09:49 am] Mitch K: i ask you guys to become a team with this.  and we all will be better off but if you are staring at a  chart like this in blue circle, dont post this.  its going sideways,
[09:49 am] Mitch K: garbage
[09:50 am] Mitch K: are you guys up for that?  i mean do you like the concept of a cumulative group scanner of highest quality trade ideas?
[09:51 am] Mitch K: For exanpea EUrUSD signal came up 2 bars ago,
[09:51 am] Mitch K: you will have to balance your workload with the postings but as a group, we will make a lot more money.  Just do what you can do
[09:52 am] Mitch K: tends to be a slower mover but good trends
[09:53 am] Mitch K: mike, i just got the new version finished Saturday night.  that was a gift to get that so soon, must test more but like what im seeing so far
[09:56 am] Mitch K: thats QCOR on left
[09:57 am] Mitch K: just under 3%
[10:00 am] Ed : AMRN patent approval
[10:01 am] Ed : just mentioning
[10:06 am] Mitch K: watching TIF for microtrade short
[10:25 am] Ed : SPY tring to work oup right side of base on 1min
[11:09 am] Ed : getting bounce in SPY
[11:21 am] Ed : SPY new hod
[11:33 am] Ed : higher high in SPY
[11:48 am] Mitch K: watching for microtrade short on TIF,
[11:49 am] Mitch K: look at TNA chart,
[12:10 pm] Ed : nice uptrend on it
[12:10 pm] Ed : REGN on move, just monitoring right now
[12:27 pm] Ed : SINA still strong so far as well
[12:28 pm] Ed : AVY alert
[12:42 pm] Ed : nice pullback inSPY
[12:56 pm] Ed : keep SINA on radar 2morrow see if we get continuaition
[12:59 pm] Ed : have a great evening traders
[01:08 pm] Mitch K: later guys

[06:17 am] shark  : nice Ed
[06:18 am] Ed : But key for all, once u get really good at stocks, u can apply ur same system to any other instrument that the beauty of our biz
[06:18 am] mikewd2 -: who you trade futures thru, Ed – TS?
[06:18 am] Ed : AMP
[06:18 am] joeytsa  : right Ed
[06:18 am] mikewd2 -: gotya
[06:19 am] doji  : AMP?
[06:20 am] Ed : AMP clearing global clearing
[06:22 am] doji  : Why not TS Ed?
[06:23 am] Ed : I wanted someone that had the infrastructure in place, not on developing end
[06:23 am] Ed : like specialist
[06:23 am] lisas  : With futures, you also want to be able to reach your broker by phone quickly
[06:24 am] doji  : so AMP is a specialist in futures?
[06:24 am] Ed : yes
[06:24 am] doji  : do they provide charting also?
[06:25 am] qwert  : Is amp a competitor of zaner
[06:25 am] Ed : yes
[06:25 am] Ed : zaner is good also
[06:26 am] doji  : Yes I used Zaner too. thanks Ed!
[06:27 am] Ed : yea zaner is great, the difference is u can open AMP acct with 500
[06:27 am] Ed : i think zaner is 2k
[06:27 am] skydiver  : gm all
[06:27 am] lisas  : gm sky
[06:27 am] shark  : hi sky
[06:28 am] skydiver  : hey lisa, shark 🙂
*** austria -, Welcome to the TradeStocksAmerica Live Trading Room
[06:29 am] shark  : any big info/data today, joey?
[06:30 am] mikewd2 -: he posted some above
[06:30 am] doji  : NFLX
[06:30 am] shark  : thx, mike
[06:30 am] joeytsa  : a few at 7pdt
[06:30 am] doji  : $1 profit wow…
[06:30 am] mikewd2 -: NFLX
[06:32 am] doji  : Watching SBUX
[06:32 am] doji  : Nice on WLT, thanks Mike
[06:32 am] shark  : die, NFLX, di
[06:33 am] doji  : die WLT die
[06:33 am] shark  : 😉
[06:33 am] joeytsa  : BIDU trying to break out
[06:34 am] doji  : Watcing 31.33 in WLT as support
[06:34 am] mikewd2 -: FSLR
[06:34 am] doji  : AAPL
[06:34 am] joeytsa  : QCOR moving up
[06:35 am] doji  : PCLN
[06:36 am] doji  : $3 candle
[06:36 am] mikewd2 -: Ford August sales up 12.6%
[06:37 am] joeytsa  : mike, is that up from july or up from last august?
[06:37 am] doji  : LNKD
[06:37 am] mikewd2 -: versus 9.8% est., not sure
[06:38 am] joeytsa  : oh ok
[06:38 am] mikewd2 -: not sure if that is month to month or what
[06:38 am] mikewd2 -: sorry
[06:38 am] doji  : MCP
[06:38 am] joeytsa  : no prob just wondered
[06:38 am] mikewd2 -: WLT L 31.46
[06:38 am] mikewd2 -: stop below 31.30
[06:38 am] eyes  : S fslr 19.57 out 1/2 .37 1/4 .18 .
[06:39 am] joeytsa  : VRX testing res
[06:40 am] joeytsa  : ES trying to hold lod area
[06:41 am] shark  : watching NFLX
[06:41 am] shark  : down 9%
[06:41 am] chinhngo  : bought arna at 9.00
[06:43 am] shark  : GOOG drop
[06:43 am] mikewd2 -: CLF still weak on daily
[06:44 am] shark  : VRX toppy
[06:45 am] joeytsa  : MLNX pulled back nice
[06:45 am] shark  : NFLX trying for bounce
[06:45 am] eyes  : out last 1/4 18.93 FSLR
[06:46 am] shark  : TIF broke 8/27 gap up low
[06:47 am] mikewd2 -: nice eyes
[06:50 am] mikewd2 -: CJES
[06:51 am] shark  : NFLX long 53.75
[06:51 am] doji  : still loosk weak Shark
[06:51 am] shark  : yeah
[06:52 am] rusty  : AIG radar
[06:55 am] mikewd2 -: YOKU
[06:57 am] mikewd2 -: stopped on WLT long
[06:58 am] chinhngo  : bought wlt at 31.35
[06:58 am] shark  : NFLX all out 54.30
[06:58 am] mikewd2 -: i bought too early chinhngo, nice entry
[06:58 am] mikewd2 -: but is now at yearly lows, could breakdown
[06:59 am] joeytsa  : yeah mike, only a nice entry if it goes up 🙂
[06:59 am] mikewd2 -: still weak
[06:59 am] mikewd2 -: becareful chinhngo
[07:00 am] joeytsa  : shark: NFLX still fighting for you 🙂
[07:00 am] shark  : out at 54.30, joey
[07:00 am] joeytsa  : watching QCOR for a bottom
[07:00 am] joeytsa  : oh ok
[07:00 am] shark  : +.55 NFLX
[07:00 am] joeytsa  : quick pullback on the ES
[07:00 am] doji  : Big drop in SPY
[07:00 am] joeytsa  : reports coming out
[07:01 am] qwert  : ism 49.6 with 50.0 expected
[07:01 am] joeytsa  : thx qwert
[07:01 am] shark  : LULU broke over 100day
[07:02 am] shark  : earnings fri -LULU
[07:02 am] joeytsa  : 2 other reports coming also
[07:02 am] qwert  : vrx awesome
[07:02 am] shark  : nice Ed
[07:02 am] Ed : thx
[07:03 am] joeytsa  : ISM manufacturing prices 54.0 with 46.4 forecast, 39.5 last
[07:04 am] shark  : watching FRAN
[07:04 am] chinhngo  : sold fslr at 18.65 thank
[07:04 am] mikewd2 -: FSLR trying to bounce
[07:05 am] doji  : YEs, I missed it Mike
[07:06 am] eyes  : Long STX 32.53 Rev .47
[07:06 am] shark  : NOK -debuts free streaming music service
[07:07 am] rusty  : covered AIG ty for shopping TSA
[07:08 am] rusty  : ty for reverse shopping
[07:08 am] mikewd2 -: trying WLT L again 31.00, stop 30.93
[07:09 am] doji  : ES lost 1400
[07:09 am] mikewd2 -: done with WLT, haha – should have stuck with original plan to short on new lows
[07:09 am] doji  : still keeping my full position short in WLT mike
[07:09 am] joeytsa  : dont try to catch falling pianos 🙂
[07:09 am] shark  : lol
[07:09 am] doji  : this is an elephant Joey
[07:10 am] joeytsa  : ES losing 1400
[07:10 am] shark  : nice, doji
[07:10 am] doji  : and it’s pregnant!
[07:10 am] joeytsa  : haha
[07:10 am] rusty  : KOL good indicator for sector
[07:10 am] rusty  : not necessarily to trade but good indicator
[07:10 am] mikewd2 -: out TZA in 16.49 out 16.73
[07:11 am] doji  : Nice Mike
[07:11 am] shark  : TIF continued break down
[07:11 am] scalpman  : What happened with the Jobs report…anyone?
[07:11 am] shark  : from 8/27 gap up lod
[07:11 am] shark  : TIF
[07:11 am] joeytsa  : its on friday
[07:11 am] shark  : fri scalp
[07:11 am] joeytsa  : shark, did you short FRAN?
[07:12 am] shark  : OH Man, missed it
[07:12 am] shark  : looked away, joey 🙁
[07:12 am] joeytsa  : me too
[07:13 am] scalpman  : oh yeah…thanks
[07:13 am] doji  : Manufacturing data below 50. means contractyion?
[07:13 am] shark  : watching SWI
[07:14 am] shark  : NFLX 3x lod retest
[07:14 am] joeytsa  : LULU multi-top around $66
[07:14 am] rusty  : AIG bounce
[07:15 am] shark  : NFLX 8/3 lod 53.07
[07:15 am] doji  : still long in NFLX shark?
[07:15 am] shark  : haha, you missed my post
[07:15 am] shark  : sold 54.30
[07:15 am] shark  : +.55
[07:16 am] eyes  : out S STX 32.15
[07:17 am] doji  : NFLX 8/3 lod was 52.81 Shark
[07:18 am] shark  : thx, doji. you are correct.
[07:19 am] shark  : i adjusted my alarms
[07:19 am] doji  : Watching LEN
[07:19 am] doji  : take your time
[07:20 am] shark  : 🙂
[07:20 am] shark  : TIF s still good
[07:21 am] mikewd2 -: rusty: you playing the VIXs?
[07:21 am] mikewd2 -: VIX up 7.38%
[07:22 am] joeytsa  : yeah Ed, ES ran into s3 and stalled, will watch that area  1399.25
[07:23 am] shark  : JPMorgan FB target lowered from $45-30
[07:23 am] shark  : tighten stop on TIF if short
[07:23 am] joeytsa  : nice one on TIF
[07:24 am] doji  : hahah MS is still bullsih in FB
[07:24 am] shark  : haha
[07:24 am] mikewd2 -: i think they have to be bullish
[07:24 am] joeytsa  : only $18 downside, unlimited upside haha
[07:24 am] shark  : hmmm
[07:25 am] rusty  : @jimcramer: People who criticize me on $FB are not understanding that the facts changed and i changed, too. I got people out that
[07:25 am] rusty  : day
[07:26 am] shark  : 9/20 court date to hear on AAPL’s dream injunction list against Samsung
[07:27 am] shark  : PCLN breaks below 600
[07:31 am] joeytsa  : market a bit ugly heading into the DNC
[07:31 am] rusty  : hope and change
[07:31 am] qwert  : hahaha
[07:31 am] shark  : forward, rusty
[07:31 am] scalpman  : LEN strong against SPY drop
[07:32 am] mikewd2 -: Yes we can – have higher unemployment, debt
[07:32 am] joeytsa  : missed that last NFLX runup
[07:32 am] shark  : ouch, me too
[07:32 am] mikewd2 -: stay focused guys
[07:32 am] mikewd2 -: your costing me money! lol
[07:32 am] joeytsa  : nice signal, lower low on pos div
[07:33 am] shark  : scan faster, please
[07:33 am] joeytsa  : haha
[07:33 am] doji  : Missed NFLX
[07:34 am] joeytsa  : yeah Ed, just made a new 200 day high
[07:35 am] Ed : rusty help us catch it on friday
[07:35 am] rusty  : sold balance of SAN long swing +2
[07:36 am] Ed : markets doing the limbo
[07:36 am] mikewd2 -: VIX nearing 19
[07:36 am] joeytsa  : ha
[07:36 am] mikewd2 -: Ford was compared to august last year
[07:36 am] joeytsa  : thanks mike
[07:36 am] skydiver  : NFLX – nice 🙂
[07:37 am] Ed : sweet pickle juice
[07:37 am] shark  : fake out, break out NFLX
[07:38 am] doji  : $%^$^$^$^ NFLX, missed
[07:38 am] doji  : shame on me
[07:39 am] shark  : almost 4% off bottom
[07:39 am] mikewd2 -: didn’t like that lower low on NFLX, missed bounce also
[07:40 am] doji  : moveing in a straightline
[07:40 am] doji  : over the 5MA
[07:41 am] shark  : NFLX on CNBC
[07:42 am] skydiver  : since I’m still setting up my new system, I am virtual this morning.  So NFLX was sweet for me, but not real —
[07:43 am] doji  : It’s like having sex over the phone
[07:43 am] shark  : haha
[07:43 am] skydiver  : lol doji
[07:43 am] rusty  : WLT lod
[07:44 am] chinhngo  : bought more  wlt
[07:44 am] skydiver  : reminder to self — turn off the automatic update on windwos 7!!!
[07:45 am] mikewd2 -: analysis saying WLT has enough money to make it into next year, if steel rebounces WLT should be strong
[07:45 am] mikewd2 -: rebound = rebounces
[07:46 am] mikewd2 -: hope someone shorted CLF this morning
[07:47 am] mikewd2 -: NFLX might be turning
[07:47 am] shark  : NFLX toppy
[07:47 am] shark  : yeah
[07:47 am] shark  : TIF bounce
[07:49 am] joeytsa  : watching 1396 on ES
[07:50 am] shark  : watching ARMH
[07:52 am] shark  : NFLX at vwap
[07:53 am] joeytsa  : breaktime, nice calls, keep ’em coming 🙂
[07:53 am] shark  : enjoy joey
[07:54 am] skydiver  : take care joey
[07:55 am] chinhngo  : sold wft at 18.74
[07:56 am] mikewd2 -: might run a bit chinhngo, i went long again 30.47
[07:57 am] shark  : nice new low FB
[07:57 am] shark  : die, FB, die
[07:57 am] mikewd2 -: watching LVS
[07:57 am] chinhngo  : i still have 3000 wft at lower price try to get some small profit 200.00 for each trade thank mikewd2
[07:58 am] chinhngo  : sold wlt at 18.83
[07:58 am] mikewd2 -: nice
[07:59 am] shark  : AAPL lod
[08:00 am] shark  : chinngo -18.83 ? what company?
[08:01 am] shark  : you mean FB?
[08:01 am] chinhngo  : my mistake wlt at 30.83 not 18.83
[08:01 am] shark  : gotcha, thx
[08:02 am] doji  : HAIN new hod
[08:03 am] victor51  : gm all. No trading today for me
[08:03 am] chinhngo  : bought arna at 8.89
[08:04 am] shark  : you have a doctor’s note, victor?
[08:05 am] shark  : TIF new lod
[08:06 am] chinhngo  : set sell wlt trailing .20 to protect profit
[08:06 am] mikewd2 -: nice job chinhngo
[08:07 am] shark  : watching TIF vol pick up
[08:07 am] chinhngo  : bought tif at 59.69
[08:08 am] qwert  : monitoring TIF
[08:09 am] qwert  : monitoring TIF
[08:09 am] mikewd2 -: decent bounce in WLT
[08:09 am] qwert  : oops didnt see your guys
[08:10 am] mikewd2 -: WLT at VWAP
[08:11 am] shark  : SWI pocket pivot volume today
[08:11 am] shark  : new all time high
[08:11 am] scalpman  : Got to go early today….I got 2 for 2…small profits.
[08:11 am] scalpman  : Bye…
[08:11 am] shark  : nice scalp, bye 🙂
[08:12 am] Ed : nice going c ya scalp
[08:12 am] khall  : bye scalp
[08:13 am] mikewd2 -: stopped on WLT, nice profit
[08:14 am] mikewd2 -: 2/4 on WLT
[08:14 am] shark  : 🙂 nice, mike
[08:15 am] chinhngo  : sell tif at 59.88
[08:18 am] shark  : wow
[08:18 am] shark  : she’s feisty today
[08:27 am] chinhngo  : bought tif at 59.79
[08:29 am] mikewd2 -: FSLR rising again
[08:35 am] chinhngo  : bought tif at 59.27
[08:37 am] qwert  : monitoring JBL
[08:37 am] doji  : FB
[08:39 am] chinhngo  : sold some arna at 8.99
[08:40 am] chinhngo  : bought jbl at 21.42
[08:40 am] joeytsa  : low priced SNTS 50cent spike
[08:41 am] joeytsa  : lower normal vol also it looks
[08:45 am] chinhngo  : sold tif at 59.60
[08:50 am] chinhngo  : bought jbl at 21.15
[08:53 am] Ed : hey chinhngo ur buying a stock thats still going down
[08:53 am] Ed : it has not bottomed as of yet
[08:53 am] doji  : LEN
[08:57 am] chinhngo  : thank ed please signal when you buy i will follow you
[08:58 am] chinhngo  : sold tif at 60.00
[08:58 am] Mitch K: tif
[08:58 am] Mitch K: sorry
[08:59 am] chinhngo  : bought jbl at 20.8
[09:00 am] lisas  : Thanks for alert on JBL MItch, Ed
[09:01 am] Ed : i beat Mitch by nano sec
[09:01 am] lisas  : Faster than lightning Ed!
[09:01 am] chinhngo  : bought more jbl at 20.85
[09:01 am] lisas  : leave some for us chinhngo
[09:02 am] Ed : chin, u only add to position once it shows that it has reversed downtrend
[09:02 am] mikewd2 -: possible head fake on JBL
[09:03 am] Ed : ex. u start small, place stop below lod, if u get retest and it holds then add to position
[09:05 am] chinhngo  : thank mr ED
[09:05 am] Ed : when u get faster, on trade like JBL when its weak u will get out for small gain or even breakeven
[09:05 am] Ed : ok
[09:05 am] mikewd2 -: stoppped on JBL, 0/6 on lightning
[09:06 am] Ed : i was able to enter and get out for small plus .09
[09:06 am] doji  : 0=Lightning Mike?
[09:07 am] Ed : are u still in ching?
[09:07 am] chinhngo  : yes
[09:08 am] jsn13  : Mitch, can u teach how to handle this scenario when the sell signal appears after the break of lod, do we still need to place stop loss below od or just wait for sell signal? I’m referring to JBL idea….thanks mitch…
[09:10 am] lisas  : Mitch, yes, that makes it easy to see
[09:10 am] khall  : nice
[09:10 am] lisas  : I didn’t see email yesterday Mitch
[09:11 am] chinhngo  : sell some arna at 9.08
[09:11 am] lisas  : still in jbl:)
[09:11 am] chinhngo  : what is symbol of the chart please
[09:11 am] qwert  : JBL bouncing
[09:12 am] Ed : alright ching sell 1/2 ur position in JBL
[09:12 am] Ed : this will help u get ahead of trade
[09:12 am] Ed : as I know u were heavy on that position
[09:12 am] mikewd2 -: where did the sell signal go? on jbl
[09:12 am] mikewd2 -: oh, new buy – nevermind
[09:13 am] chinhngo  : sell some jbl at 20.96
[09:13 am] Ed : what is ur avg. price chin?
[09:14 am] Ed : hey mike, just my opinion but I think he had wrong version up as to why u saw it, this is corrected version
[09:14 am] mikewd2 -: great
[09:14 am] lisas  : Interesting to watch it live Mitch, so the sell diamond and arrow went away once it settled into an uptrend?
[09:15 am] mikewd2 -: I’m back in based on my own signals
[09:16 am] lisas  : I’ve caught 1.5 percent move in jbl so far, this is where I’d bail a large portion, can see lightening would keep me in longer
[09:17 am] mikewd2 -: wow lisas your sell moved the stock
[09:17 am] joeytsa  : 100k shares will do that 🙂
[09:17 am] lisas  : lol
[09:17 am] Ed : this is where a “trading system” can help a trade no matter what level. The more disciplined the better for any system
[09:17 am] qwert  : hahaha
[09:17 am] joeytsa  : great point Ed
[09:17 am] Ed : trade=trader
[09:18 am] mikewd2 -: CJES sure sold off
[09:18 am] lisas  : wasn’t me this time Mike, I only sold a quarter, will follow the system
[09:18 am] mikewd2 -: 25k, yeah me too
[09:18 am] chinhngo  : i still wait until set 18 to get the wonderful chart mr MITH
[09:18 am] mikewd2 -: haha
[09:18 am] joeytsa  : a steering wheel is a great device but only if you know how to drive the car
[09:18 am] qwert  : very true joey
[09:19 am] Ed : true
[09:19 am] mikewd2 -: big vol spike for CJES
[09:20 am] rusty  : HAL CFO: Guides Q3 Rev to decline in mid-single digits q/q – conf comments Do not expect to see significant price decrease for guar moving into 2013.
[09:21 am] Ed : thx mr. rusty
[09:21 am] mikewd2 -: thanks rusty
[09:23 am] chinhngo  : SELL SOME ARNA AT 9.13
[09:24 am] chinhngo  : so wait for your signal to buy tif
[09:24 am] chinhngo  : bought tif at 59.19
[09:24 am] mikewd2 -: watching MCP
[09:24 am] lisas  : is tif cut off on the right for everyone, or is it just my screen?
[09:25 am] joeytsa  : mine is cut
[09:25 am] mikewd2 -: yes, cut off
[09:25 am] chinhngo  : thank mr MITCH
[09:25 am] Ed : yes Im cut off
[09:25 am] chinhngo  : for tif chart
[09:25 am] Ed : no more inheritance
[09:26 am] mikewd2 -: out half JBL 21.14, from 20.74
[09:26 am] joeytsa  : nice mike
[09:26 am] Ed : nice 2nd entry on it mike
[09:26 am] Ed : i wanna be, wanna be like mike
[09:27 am] mikewd2 -: yeah first one was 6 mins too early – haha
[09:27 am] joeytsa  : decent entry also mike, i would have waited until the break over 20.80
[09:27 am] Ed : yep, its just how u get at times, sometimes give u 1st bounce, sometimes 2nd and sometimes not
[09:27 am] mikewd2 -: a bit of a gamble joey
[09:28 am] joeytsa  : you gamble??
[09:28 am] mikewd2 -: all out 21.20
[09:28 am] Ed : thats why with ur “system” it sets up u take the trade
[09:29 am] mikewd2 -: only on stocks joey
[09:29 am] mikewd2 -: horses is a skill – haha
[09:29 am] joeytsa  : picks rocked yesterday
[09:29 am] mikewd2 -: all out Mitch
[09:29 am] lisas  : long from 20.71, 75 percent of position still holding, but moving stop up
[09:29 am] mikewd2 -: nice lisas
[09:29 am] Ed : how u doing chin?
[09:30 am] chinhngo  : i am is good with arna and jbl
[09:30 am] chinhngo  : sold 1000 jbl at 20.19 and still hold 1000
[09:31 am] lisas  : all out
[09:31 am] lisas  : Very interesting to trade this way!
[09:31 am] Ed : i knew u were heavy on JBL chin
[09:32 am] electrader  : Mitch, is the diamond the price when sell signal is given?
[09:32 am] khall  : it’s pretty cool – I could get used to it 🙂
[09:32 am] chinhngo  : yes sold jbl when it rally
[09:32 am] chinhngo  : not make much only 200.00 for each trade
[09:33 am] lisas  : Very useful Mitch!
[09:34 am] qwert  : watching amzn
[09:37 am] khall  : so maybe enter on a 1 min and manage with a 2 min?
[09:37 am] joeytsa  : yeah khall
[09:37 am] khall  : I am so ready for this
[09:37 am] Ed : for the time it took chin still nice money less than 30 minutes
[09:38 am] chinhngo  : sold tif at 59.40 bought 59.19
[09:39 am] victor51  : Will be a big help for my trading. Thanks Mitch
[09:39 am] khall  : that makes sense Mitch
[09:40 am] chinhngo  : thank mr MITCH
[09:41 am] joeytsa  : more money + less stress = happy me  🙂
[09:41 am] khall  : exactly
[09:44 am] mikewd2 -: MCP continues to move up slowly
[09:45 am] qwert  : monitoring pcyc
[09:46 am] chinhngo  : bought mcp at 11.48
[09:47 am] mikewd2 -: already moved 2% off bottom chinhngo
[09:47 am] mikewd2 -: i got in 11.32
[09:49 am] Ed : the better the quality the strong it makes the room over all, and more $$$
[09:49 am] mikewd2 -: right, need to stay away from choppy charts
[09:50 am] khall  : YES
[09:50 am] qwert  : surely
[09:50 am] chinhngo  : ok go to work see you later
[09:50 am] joeytsa  : of course
[09:50 am] mikewd2 -: yep
[09:50 am] lisas  : collaborate and graduate becomes collaborate and make more $
[09:50 am] joeytsa  : bye chin
[09:51 am] lisas  : bye chin
[09:51 am] mikewd2 -: out MCP 11.43
[09:51 am] lisas  : yes Mitch
[09:52 am] mikewd2 -: let’s do it, release the d-mn thing – lol
[09:54 am] Ed : LOL, mike has patience of job.
[09:54 am] mikewd2 -: just kidding Mitch
[09:54 am] joeytsa  : haha
[09:58 am] mikewd2 -: CJES L 19.29, day trade,
[09:58 am] mikewd2 -: stop 19.23
[10:02 am] shark  : AAPL nearing hod re-test
[10:05 am] Ed : speaking of that retest any word from apple
[10:05 am] shark  : regarding?
[10:05 am] Ed : guess busy 1st day of school
[10:05 am] lisas  : no, will have to send her an email
[10:06 am] Ed : thx lisa
[10:07 am] rusty  : Navellier flash alert SELL: JAZZ
[10:11 am] mikewd2 -: watching FSLR in this 19.00 resistance area
[10:12 am] joeytsa  : ES area to watch is 1399, big res so far
[10:14 am] joeytsa  : BIDU really tight range past hour, will look for a break either way
[10:14 am] shark  : 🙂
[10:14 am] joeytsa  : basically a 20cent range..very tight for them
[10:15 am] shark  : watching too!
[10:24 am] mikewd2 -: CLF still weak
[10:29 am] mikewd2 -: SHLD new hod
[10:31 am] mikewd2 -: YOKU moving off lod
[10:31 am] mikewd2 -: not alot of vol though
[10:34 am] mikewd2 -: back in MCP 11.27 tight stop
[10:34 am] shark  : PCYC poss pocket pivot -needs 757K share volume
[10:36 am] Ed : thx shark
[10:37 am] mikewd2 -: MCP getting some increased vol
[10:49 am] qwert  : test
[10:50 am] Ed : i c ya qwert
[10:50 am] qwert  : thx
[10:51 am] qwert  : BIDU
[10:55 am] mikewd2 -: HAL recovered most of the 2% drop it had earlier with news
[11:05 am] hfxtrader  : hi everyone. first time here
[11:05 am] khall  : welcome!
[11:06 am] Ed : wlecome to the room hfxtrader
[11:06 am] hfxtrader  : thanks Ed
[11:06 am] lisas  : Hi hfx
[11:06 am] Ed : are u just logging in?
[11:06 am] hfxtrader  : hi lisas
[11:06 am] hfxtrader  : just logged in
[11:06 am] qwert  : welcome hfx
[11:07 am] hfxtrader  : ty qwert
[11:07 am] doji  : Mike, still holding CJES?
[11:08 am] Ed : most of the ideas are in firts 90minutes of trading day, after that it becomes slim due to volatility, news etc
[11:08 am] joeytsa  : welcome hfxtrader
[11:08 am] mikewd2 -: missed the cup and handle breakout on SHLD
[11:08 am] joeytsa  : ES testing 1400
[11:09 am] mikewd2 -: out half MCP 11.45
[11:09 am] joeytsa  : mike, on SHLD, you mean the one last hour?
[11:10 am] mikewd2 -: today
[11:10 am] joeytsa  : yeah, nice on that break over $53
[11:11 am] mikewd2 -: nice cup and flat handle, had an alert but then jumped to fast
[11:11 am] hfxtrader  : It’s allright. Just got my login info and wanted to check it out.
[11:11 am] joeytsa  : also the mini one an hour ago
[11:11 am] joeytsa  : its a good room hfx, you will like it here
[11:11 am] mikewd2 -: yeah  i was talking about 1.6 over the morning
[11:12 am] qwert  : monitoring CY
[11:12 am] mikewd2 -: first tiime i actually watched the pattern form and relized it – haha
[11:12 am] joeytsa  : pretty soon they will jump out at you
[11:12 am] mikewd2 -: all out MCP long
[11:12 am] Ed : thats where it starts, make it easy also , going with flow
[11:15 am] mikewd2 -: TZA L 16.29
[11:16 am] mikewd2 -: lisas: have you had any issues with pivots showing up on charts. Mine will only show if i’m on 5min intervals.
[11:16 am] mikewd2 -: usually works fine on any interval
[11:16 am] mikewd2 -: regarding TS
[11:16 am] lisas  : Mike, no, but we are probably not using same pivots
[11:17 am] lisas  : I don’t put them on my equities charts either, just futures
[11:17 am] lisas  : What pivot indicator are you using?
[11:17 am] mikewd2 -: ok, i have my own pivots – but floor trader don;t show up either
[11:17 am] lisas  : I’m not familiar with floor trader
[11:17 am] mikewd2 -: I’m using Camarilla pivots, i wrote my self
[11:18 am] joeytsa  : mike, is it every stock?
[11:18 am] mikewd2 -: yeah, that’s what’s weird
[11:18 am] joeytsa  : if stock price is too far away, they may not show up due to scaling etc
[11:18 am] mikewd2 -: no not that
[11:19 am] mikewd2 -: I’ll reload afterwhile
[11:19 am] doji  : APPL moving
[11:19 am] lisas  : oh, I see floor trader is name of TS pivot indicator, I’ll try it and see if it works on mine
[11:20 am] doji  : Wow SPY moving
[11:21 am] doji  : SBUX, LEN, APPL moving
[11:21 am] doji  : MCP
[11:22 am] joeytsa  : ES not quite hod
[11:30 am] doji  : Joey, do see any news?
[11:31 am] khall  : BIDU moving up
[11:31 am] joeytsa  : yeah khall, broke from that consolidation, see if pullback holds
[11:32 am] chinhngo  : sold tif at 60.13
[11:32 am] mikewd2 -: TZA L 16.06
[11:32 am] chinhngo  : bought tza at 16.06
[11:33 am] joeytsa  : did you add mike?
[11:33 am] mikewd2 -: yes
[11:34 am] joeytsa  : ES testing 1404 now
[11:34 am] chinhngo  : sold some arna at 9.27
[11:35 am] mikewd2 -: stopped again on TZA
[11:35 am] doji  : LEN rallying
[11:36 am] chinhngo  : bought more tza at 15.90
[11:36 am] doji  : Chinghng like catching trains…
[11:37 am] mikewd2 -: Chinhngo, you going to swing or day trade tza
[11:38 am] chinhngo  : day trade but if wrong i willing to hold over night for tza
[11:38 am] lisas  : very bullish action in markets, over 5 plus 1000 ticks on $Tick
[11:38 am] joeytsa  : 10pt ES move past 40 minutes or so
[11:39 am] lisas  : In fact, got up to +1200 twice
[11:39 am] mikewd2 -: out WFT 11.54 -> 11.67
[11:39 am] Ed : making it look good fortonight
[11:39 am] joeytsa  : be careful turning a trade into an investment
[11:39 am] chinhngo  : market is one day positive and another day negative
[11:39 am] joeytsa  : so what will happen tomorrow
[11:39 am] mikewd2 -: Russel up 1.25%
[11:40 am] chinhngo  : just hope for thursday ecb buy the bond with short term 3 years
[11:40 am] doji  : Trade what you seope?e not what you h
[11:40 am] doji  : see
[11:40 am] doji  : hope
[11:41 am] lisas  : $volspd  went from -250,000 to +67,00, interesting action
[11:41 am] chinhngo  : so that why i bought tza sell call iwm and short tfu12
[11:41 am] doji  : ?
[11:42 am] chinhngo  : not thing go up forever they need to pull back
[11:42 am] mikewd2 -: NUS nice move
[11:44 am] chinhngo  : arna have 6 conference call on sept 5 at boston
[11:45 am] chinhngo  : sept -7 at new york sept-11  13 at london and sept -20
[11:45 am] mikewd2 -: PII nice move
[11:45 am] chinhngo  : 24 at texas
[11:45 am] joeytsa  : the arna world tour
[11:46 am] chinhngo  : arna will be blockbuster for fat people
[11:46 am] joeytsa  : so would walking
[11:48 am] mikewd2 -: Cramer wasn’t so sure about ARNA evaluation
[11:48 am] chinhngo  : tfu12 rsi at 80 so should pull back
[11:51 am] mikewd2 -: out half NUS 41.62
[11:51 am] mikewd2 -: trailing 20 cents on rest
[11:52 am] mikewd2 -: turning into a great trading day, started out rough with WLT long stop
[11:52 am] doji  : Nice Mike, I am having issues with TOS… and my account with TS still is not open
[11:53 am] mikewd2 -: sorry to hear on TS, did you talk to Ian?
[11:53 am] rusty  : HEK radar
[11:54 am] doji  : Yes, I am waiting for the FedEX guy to pickup the papwerwork
[11:54 am] doji  : everything here in Brazil is very slow
[11:55 am] mikewd2 -: when you moving back to Katy?
[12:00 pm] doji  : NExt year in July
[12:03 pm] mikewd2 -: great
[12:08 pm] mikewd2 -: stopped on NUS, all out
[12:09 pm] doji  : I’ll be great once I am back in Karty,…. we can spend some time tradingt
[12:11 pm] mikewd2 -: little bounce in the oils
[12:14 pm] joeytsa  : doji: you moving there for good or temporary
[12:14 pm] mikewd2 -: retiring to just trade stocks?
[12:15 pm] joeytsa  : ha
[12:15 pm] chinhngo  : bought more tza at 15.97
[12:17 pm] mikewd2 -: September normally a bad month for stocks
[12:17 pm] joeytsa  : bad month for investors 🙂
[12:18 pm] mikewd2 -: right, good month for us
[12:18 pm] joeytsa  : only bad months for traders are low volume ones
[12:18 pm] mikewd2 -: organic food – marketing scam!
[12:19 pm] mikewd2 -: you better watch CNBC joey
[12:19 pm] joeytsa  : it can be
[12:19 pm] joeytsa  : but no comparison between conventional and organic food
[12:19 pm] joeytsa  : its all how its labeled
[12:20 pm] mikewd2 -: i think we need a little herbicide in our diet! lol
[12:20 pm] mikewd2 -: watching MCP again
[12:20 pm] joeytsa  : so does big pharma 🙂
[12:21 pm] khall  : and big agra
[12:22 pm] joeytsa  : yeah, monsanto trying to own everything
[12:22 pm] mikewd2 -: missed MCP at 11.30, oh well getting late anyway
[12:22 pm] khall  : so what they are saying (this was also on news last night) is that there is no nutritional difference btw organic and conventional
[12:22 pm] mikewd2 -: doji: you still short FB?
[12:22 pm] mikewd2 -: swing
[12:23 pm] joeytsa  : so growing food in depleted soil is the same as growing food in nutrient rich soil  hmmm
[12:23 pm] qwert  : sounds strange
[12:23 pm] khall  : uh huh
[12:23 pm] qwert  : we try to eat organic
[12:23 pm] mikewd2 -: i think if you add the nutrients to the plant
[12:23 pm] mikewd2 -: thru fertilizer
[12:25 pm] mikewd2 -: ES breaking 50ma
[12:29 pm] mikewd2 -: TZA lod
[12:35 pm] joeytsa  : getting ready to call it a day
[12:36 pm] Ed : c ya joey
[12:36 pm] joeytsa  : Thanks Mitch, Ed, everyone..see you tomorrow
[12:36 pm] khall  : bye joey
[12:36 pm] qwert  : bye joey
[12:36 pm] lisas  : bye Joey joey
[12:43 pm] mikewd2 -: need a bigger one Ed
[12:43 pm] eyes  : Good Night Eveyone
[12:44 pm] khall  : night eyes
[12:45 pm] Ed : yep
[12:45 pm] Ed : c ya eyes
[12:51 pm] doji  : Good night fellas
[12:51 pm] Ed : c ya doji
[12:51 pm] lisas  : bye doji
[12:56 pm] khall  : Thanks Ed!
[12:58 pm] chinhngo  : hold tza  wprt  mcp overnight
[12:59 pm] lisas  : bye Ed, Mitch and all
[12:59 pm] qwert  : Bye everybody
[01:00 pm] chinhngo  : bye bye all traders
[01:01 pm] khall  : night all

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Chat Highlights from 04/02/2014
Chat Highlights from 04/01/2014
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Chat Highlights from 03/20/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/19/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/18/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/17/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/13/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/12/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/11/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/10/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/07/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/06/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/05/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/04/2014
Chat Highlights from 03/03/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/28/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/27/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/26/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/25/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/24/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/21/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/20/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/19/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/18/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/14/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/13/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/12/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/11/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/10/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/07/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/06/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/05/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/04/2014
Chat Highlights from 02/03/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/31/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/30/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/29/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/27/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/24/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/23/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/22/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/20/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/17/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/16/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/15/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/14/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/13/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/10/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/09/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/08/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/07/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/06/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/03/2014
Chat Highlights from 01/02/2014
Chat Highlights from 12/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/27/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/29/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/27/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/21/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/20/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 11/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/31/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/29/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/21/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 10/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/27/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/20/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 09/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/29/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/27/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/21/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/20/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/31/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/29/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/27/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/21/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/20/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/29/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/21/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/20/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/29/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/27/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/20/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/27/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/21/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/20/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/31/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/29/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/14/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/29/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/15/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/14/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/08/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/25/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/15/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/08/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/25/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/14/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/29/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/22/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/14/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/08/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/25/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/29/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/25/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/22/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/15/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/14/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/15/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/29/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/22/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/08/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/25/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/30/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/28/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/27/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/23/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/22/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/20/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/19/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/16/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/15/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/13/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/12/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/08/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/07/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/06/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/05/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/02/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/01/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/30/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/28/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/22/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/18/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/17/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/16/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/15/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/11/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/08/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/07/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/04/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/03/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/02/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/01/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/31/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/28/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/27/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/26/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/25/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/24/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/20/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/19/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/18/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/17/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/13/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/12/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/11/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/10/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/06/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/05/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/04/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/03/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/30/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/27/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/26/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/23/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/22/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/20/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/16/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/13/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/12/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/07/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/06/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/02/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/01/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/30/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/26/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/24/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/23/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/22/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/19/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/17/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/16/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/15/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/12/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/11/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/10/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/08/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/02/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/01/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/28/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/27/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/26/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/25/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/20/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/19/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/18/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/15/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/12/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/11/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/08/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/07/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/06/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/05/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/01/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/30/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/28/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/27/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/26/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/24/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/23/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/22/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/20/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/17/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/16/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/15/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/13/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/09/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/08/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/07/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/06/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/03/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/02/2011