Chat Highlights From 08/07/2012

TSA Moderator ChatUser Chat
[06:16 am] Ed : good morning traders
[06:38 am] Ed : watching CHD
[06:38 am] Mitch K: sorry for tech problems, one moment
[06:39 am] Mitch K: watching HUM for short, try best price
[06:40 am] Mitch K: watching VVUS for top to short
[06:40 am] Mitch K: watching LULU for top to short
[06:40 am] Mitch K: watching PSSI for top to short
[06:40 am] Mitch K: watching CLNE for bottom to buy
[06:40 am] Mitch K: watching CVS for bottom to buy
[06:41 am] Mitch K: watching OAS for bottom to buy
[06:41 am] Mitch K: watching PVH for top to short
[06:41 am] Mitch K: watching ACM for top to short
[06:42 am] Mitch K: watching PVH closer
[06:42 am] Mitch K: better day today than yesterday
[06:42 am] Mitch K: watching CRZO for bottom to buy
[06:42 am] Mitch K: watching TWTC for bottom to buy
[06:43 am] Mitch K: CVS getting interesting
[06:43 am] Mitch K: watching CPHD for top to short
[06:43 am] Mitch K: monitoring BECN
[06:44 am] Mitch K: monitoring GMCR, A
[06:44 am] Mitch K: watching ENDP for bottom, not ready yet
[06:45 am] Mitch K: watching MR for top to short
[06:45 am] Mitch K: watching CHTR for bottom to buy
[06:46 am] Mitch K: monitoring CXO
[06:47 am] Mitch K: high risk:  NIHD, watching for bottom
[06:47 am] Mitch K: monitoring means not ready but just will track in chart window.  watching for bottom or top means more developed idea
[06:48 am] Mitch K: watching HPT for bottom to buy
[06:48 am] Mitch K: monitoring WYNN for top
[06:48 am] Mitch K: NIHD high risk because of price and dropped 33% this morning
[06:49 am] Mitch K: watching oil stocks:  APC, APA for tops to short, take time on this category
[06:49 am] Mitch K: monitoring AAPL drop, lower the better
[06:50 am] Ed : NIHD halted for volatility
[06:50 am] Mitch K: watching LOPE for top to short, 16 to $20 this morning
[06:50 am] Mitch K: before shorting
[06:51 am] Mitch K: for top
[06:51 am] Mitch K: watching ACM closer
[06:51 am] Mitch K: still watching CVS for bottom
[06:52 am] Mitch K: watching VNO for top to short, top of this bounce, missed bottom
[06:53 am] Mitch K: CPHD turning over nicely, looking for 36.80 area, be flexible
[06:53 am] Mitch K: just monitoring ARR, high risk, don’t know this stock at all
[06:54 am] Mitch K: watching CHTR closer
[06:54 am] Mitch K: watching NUAN for bottom to buy
[06:54 am] Mitch K: monitoring RKT
[06:55 am] Mitch K: watching NLY for bottom to buy
[06:55 am] Mitch K: WRC turning over for short
[06:55 am] Mitch K: watching PMT for bottom to buy,, want more drop first
[06:56 am] Mitch K: PVH toppy
[06:57 am] Mitch K: looking to cover PSSI soon, maybe hits 22 to cover
[06:57 am] Mitch K: watching HTS for bottom to buy
[06:58 am] Mitch K: watching CHTR closer
[06:58 am] Mitch K: be flexible
[06:59 am] Mitch K: BECN getting more interesting
[06:59 am] Mitch K: consider selling CRZO, best price
[07:00 am] Mitch K: consider reducing AAPL
[07:00 am] Mitch K: consider selling HPT, best price, missed top of 23.67
[07:00 am] Mitch K: looking for 69.35 on APC short, be flex
[07:02 am] Mitch K: watching NUAN closer
[07:03 am] Ed : if u took CHD long look to reduce some here
[07:04 am] Mitch K: monitoring LCC for bottom
[07:05 am] Mitch K: watching FE for bottom to buy
[07:05 am] Ed : SPY new hod
[07:05 am] Mitch K: NUAN turning up
[07:07 am] Mitch K: not strong bounce on NUAN
[07:07 am] Mitch K: watching MAKO for top to short
[07:10 am] Mitch K: looking for a little more breakdown on CPHD, goes below 37.20, more drop
[07:10 am] Ed : If u still have piece long of CHD slowly trail may get slow trend upward
[07:10 am] Mitch K: consider reducing BECN if long
[07:13 am] Mitch K: CVS bounce weak, consider selling
[07:13 am] Mitch K: watching VRX for top to short
[07:14 am] Mitch K: monitoring SGEN
[07:14 am] Mitch K: selling AAPL
[07:15 am] Mitch K: watching AMP for top
[07:15 am] Mitch K: watching APC for 2nd helping short
[07:15 am] Mitch K: watching HAL for top
[07:16 am] Mitch K: consider selling most or all of NLY if long
[07:16 am] Mitch K: consider reducing PMT if long
[07:16 am] Mitch K: looking for 75.50 area on CHTR bounce, be flexible
[07:18 am] Mitch K: more upside on CHTR, watching for 76
[07:19 am] Mitch K: looking for below 14 on MAKO short, be flexible
[07:19 am] Mitch K: consider selling HTS if long
[07:19 am] Mitch K: nice 2nd bounce on NUAN
[07:20 am] Mitch K: consider selling FE if long
[07:20 am] Mitch K: CHTR weakening here, consider selling
[07:21 am] Mitch K: watching CBOU for top to short, missed bottom, dont forget this one
[07:23 am] Mitch K: start monitoring NUAN for short able top, top of this bounce
[07:24 am] Mitch K: watching ARCO for 2nd helping short, missed first
[07:24 am] Mitch K: NUAN toppy
[07:25 am] Mitch K: looking for 74.60 on CHTR
[07:25 am] Mitch K: CHTR turning over, good short
[07:26 am] Mitch K: looking for 22 on GMCR short, missed first drop to cover
[07:27 am] Mitch K: watching BKD for top to short
[07:31 am] Mitch K: alert
[07:31 am] Mitch K: watching HLF for bottom
[07:31 am] Mitch K: alert
[07:31 am] Mitch K: watching NUS for bottom
[07:32 am] Mitch K: consider covering CHTR if short
[07:33 am] Mitch K: AMP turning over
[07:33 am] Mitch K: CHTR short was better than expected, cover short
[07:33 am] Mitch K: casino stocks WYNN and LVS too strong to short
[07:38 am] Ed : getting pullback in SPY
[07:40 am] Mitch K: PSSI 2nd helping short starting
[07:43 am] Ed : monitoring MNST would like move into 68ish area
[07:44 am] Mitch K: new low on NUS
[07:44 am] Ed : b4 considering short on MNST
[07:46 am] Ed : monitoring MJN would like more selling
[07:50 am] Mitch K: i dont know news on NUS
[07:50 am] Mitch K: NUS trying to bounce here
[07:51 am] Mitch K: Nu Skin violating Chinese rules on multi-level marketing, Citron Research says
[07:52 am] Mitch K: that doesnt sound too good
[07:52 am] Mitch K: Citron  Research alleges that Nu Skin is violating Chinese laws that prohibit multi-level marketing and believes the company’s Chinese operations could be at risk of seizure or other punitive action. Citron advises on its site that “the principals of Citron might hold a position in any of the securities profiled on the site [and] Citron will not report when a position is initiated or covered.”
[07:53 am] Mitch K: watching VRX for top to short
[07:53 am] Mitch K: new lows on NUS
[07:54 am] Mitch K: previous pullbacks in in VRX are shallow, careful about shorting much of this
[08:00 am] Mitch K: no buy signal to cover VRX yet
[08:03 am] Mitch K: on NUS
[08:03 am] Mitch K: weak bounce so far
[08:04 am] Mitch K: left chart is a faster setting and gives early signal first
[08:04 am] Mitch K: no buy signal soon that i can see
[08:05 am] Mitch K: partially brain dead
[08:05 am] Mitch K: sorry this is VRX
[08:07 am] Mitch K: when it comes to closing a position, ok to use fast setting to close
[08:07 am] Mitch K: see how signal came first on left chart
[08:08 am] Ed : if u took MNST short would cover some here
[08:09 am] Mitch K: good example of a more sensitive setting gives more false signals, see sell signal on left chart, not on right
[08:25 am] Ed : getting bounce in SPY
[08:37 am] Ed : if u took MJN long would reduce
[08:38 am] Ed : SPY approaching hod
[08:41 am] Ed : SPY new hod
[08:58 am] Ed : monitor the 30ish area on TIBX see how reacts to that area for potential short
[09:07 am] Ed : VHC alert thx rusty
[09:32 am] Ed : similarities of pro athletes/ and pro- traders: scarcity loneliness matters how u finish preparation no guarantees perseverance  adapting injuries  bio-feedback
[09:33 am] Ed : similarities of pro athletes/ and pro- traders: scarcity, loneliness, matters how u finish, preparation, no guarantees, perseverance,  adapting,  injuries,  bio-feedback
[09:34 am] Ed : SPY trading at highs
[09:36 am] Ed : if u were able to take VHC long would reduce
[10:09 am] Ed : nice pullback in SPY
[10:31 am] Ed : FE alert thx murano
[10:35 am] Ed : if u took FE long would reduce
[10:51 am] Mitch K: FE gave a nice bounce earlier today
[11:06 am] Ed : thx murano for call EXH
[11:06 am] Ed : if u were able to short EXH would cover some here
[12:04 pm] Ed : little selling in SPY
[12:37 pm] Ed : more selling in SPY
[12:59 pm] Ed : have a great evening traders
[01:03 pm] Mitch K: later guys  be ready in first 5 min tomorrow

[06:10 am] eddy  : hi all
[06:10 am] mikewd2 -: good morning traders
[06:11 am] qwert  : good morning to everybody  🙂
[06:12 am] mikewd2 -: nice move in FOSL
[06:14 am] eddy  : mike hi can u send me a test please?
[06:14 am] qwert  : go eddy i will
[06:14 am] eddy  : got it now
[06:14 am] eddy  : lag?
[06:14 am] qwert  : yep
[06:15 am] eddy  : test
[06:15 am] eyes  : Hy Everyone
[06:15 am] qwert  : seems good to me
[06:15 am] eddy  : k thx qwert
[06:15 am] qwert  : ur welcome
[06:15 am] joeytsa  : Good morning Ed, everyone
[06:16 am] doji  : Dood morning fellas
[06:16 am] khall  : Good morning all
[06:16 am] gregs  : morning ed
[06:16 am] cowboyh  : Gm ed  everyone
[06:16 am] qwert  : nice gaps today bsft,fosl,lope,vvus  up
[06:16 am] doji  : Eddy, do you have Market Watch open on your computer?
[06:17 am] joeytsa  : gap up: FOSL,BSFT,CPHD,VVUS
[06:17 am] joeytsa  : gap down: CLB,WMS,LEAP,NIHD
[06:17 am] doji  : I’ll watch FOSL and BSFT from the open
[06:18 am] doji  : SPY above 140 already
[06:19 am] qwert  : thx joey
[06:20 am] khall  : HP downgraded
[06:21 am] doji  : If BSFT breaks 35.24 with volume, it could be a nice run up to close the gap from May 3
[06:22 am] doji  : it’s already 25% up
[06:23 am] doji  : FOSL 20% up…
[06:25 am] victor51  : gm all
[06:28 am] doji  : Joey, are you watching BSFT?
[06:28 am] joeytsa  : yeah
[06:28 am] doji  : So what is you plan if you don’t mind?
[06:28 am] joeytsa  : play it how it moves 🙂
[06:29 am] doji  : hahahah
[06:29 am] joeytsa  : if market is strong, might see slight pullback then follow thru
[06:29 am] joeytsa  : gap is based on decent earnings
[06:29 am] joeytsa  : favorite play is when a stock gaps down on good earnings, usually has nice up move
[06:33 am] doji  : Nice FSLR Long 19.69
[06:33 am] mikewd2 -: CHK earnings call, moving up nicely
[06:34 am] mikewd2 -: looking for storage deficit and higher move in nat gas
[06:34 am] rusty  : gm
[06:34 am] doji  : Aggg missed CHK
[06:34 am] rusty  : AGNC fat finger trade or flash crash?
[06:35 am] mikewd2 -: FST, WFT moving nicely
[06:35 am] joeytsa  : not sure rusty
[06:35 am] shark  : good question, rusty
[06:37 am] mikewd2 -: BSFT turning over?
[06:37 am] serge  : bby is dropping like a rock
[06:37 am] joeytsa  : FOSL nice move
[06:38 am] doji  : YEah Joey
[06:38 am] raymond  : gm all
[06:38 am] joeytsa  : gm raymond
[06:38 am] gregs  : APOL shooting up
[06:38 am] joeytsa  : doji, did you see that slight pullback on FOSL, held $83
[06:38 am] doji  : FSLR lovely at 20 breakout
[06:38 am] doji  : Yes Joey
[06:38 am] skydiver  : watching CHD for bottom
[06:39 am] doji  : I am long FSLR and FOSL
[06:39 am] joeytsa  : nice
[06:40 am] doji  : FOSL trying to close the gap… at 93.6
[06:46 am] doji  : Test
[06:46 am] khall  : FFIV trying to clear the $100 mark
[06:46 am] mikewd2 -: we see you doji
[06:47 am] joeytsa  : nice move khall
[06:48 am] doji  : Watching AAPL
[06:48 am] rusty  : FFIV radar
[06:51 am] doji  : AAPL
[06:51 am] skydiver  : PSSI – take over chatter
[06:52 am] joeytsa  : FOSL trying 90 again
[06:52 am] khall  : go FOSL, go
[06:53 am] joeytsa  : nice pullback on BIDU
[06:56 am] doji  : Run APPL run….
[06:56 am] mikewd2 -: just covered PVH didn’t seem to want to turn over
[06:57 am] mikewd2 -: FOSL moving again, nice one doji
[06:59 am] doji  : Watching FSLR
[07:00 am] joeytsa  : eye on the ES, see if it can hit 1400
[07:01 am] doji  : Mike this time a beat you… got AAPL right at 618.10
[07:01 am] aussie123  : cvs
[07:01 am] doji  : couldn’t get a better rpice
[07:01 am] mikewd2 -: nice one doji
[07:01 am] doji  : Now we need to SPX to hold 1400 for now
[07:02 am] joeytsa  : why do we need that? 🙂
[07:02 am] gregs  : CVS very active
[07:02 am] doji  : To keep buyers bidding on APPL higher
[07:02 am] joeytsa  : gotya
[07:03 am] doji  : Everyone is looking at AAPL to break 644 for sure
[07:04 am] joeytsa  : FFIV nice, thanks khall
[07:04 am] khall  : welcome 🙂
[07:05 am] doji  : FOSL approaching 93.6
[07:05 am] doji  : Taking 1/2 FOSL L here
[07:05 am] mikewd2 -: NUAN L 21.63 at support pivot
[07:05 am] doji  : Already 31% move
[07:05 am] joeytsa  : great trade doji
[07:06 am] joeytsa  : and there’s 1400
[07:07 am] doji  : Yes Joey, what a day… FSLR, FOSL and APPL are making my day
[07:07 am] khall  : CRM also making a nice move up this morning
[07:07 am] shark  : and NFLX
[07:08 am] doji  : and SLB
[07:09 am] mikewd2 -: nice move on SLB
[07:09 am] joeytsa  : now dont lose it taking crappy trades midday
[07:09 am] khall  : thanks for the reminder!!!!!
[07:10 am] doji  : I agree Joey….
[07:10 am] mikewd2 -: and WFt
[07:12 am] joeytsa  : WFT still only a 25cent range so far
[07:12 am] mikewd2 -: covered BSFT short 36.07
[07:12 am] joeytsa  : nice mike
[07:13 am] joeytsa  : AMZN breaking out a bit
[07:13 am] mikewd2 -: but joey, a million quarters is nice!!! haha
[07:13 am] joeytsa  : 🙂
[07:17 am] doji  : Keep your positions balanced in WFT Mike….
[07:17 am] doji  : It’s very volatile and when it dropd, it drops hard
[07:18 am] mikewd2 -: yes doji, reduced some already
[07:18 am] mikewd2 -: overloaded in CJES though, but looking to reduce today or tomrw
[07:19 am] joeytsa  : great call Mitch on CHTR
[07:19 am] mikewd2 -: yes Mitch, long from 21.63
[07:19 am] mikewd2 -: looking for 22.47
[07:21 am] mikewd2 -: watching PVH, nice pennant
[07:24 am] mikewd2 -: out NUAN +0.54
[07:25 am] mikewd2 -: watching NUAN for reentry on long near 21.6
[07:25 am] doji  : Oil inventory in 5 minutes
[07:26 am] joeytsa  : you sure thats not tomorrow?
[07:26 am] doji  : Over $9/share up in FOSL….
[07:26 am] mikewd2 -: very nice doji
[07:26 am] joeytsa  : nice doji
[07:26 am] joeytsa  : crude # is tomorrow though, not in 5 minutes
[07:26 am] go4it  : FOSL any thoughts?
[07:27 am] joeytsa  : it an hour ago 🙂
[07:27 am] rusty  : started FRAN swing short
[07:27 am] mikewd2 -: to late to mess with it go4it
[07:27 am] doji  : YEs sorry, it’s tomorrow, myistake, got it wrong in my calendar
[07:28 am] go4it  : thx Mike
[07:29 am] doji  : Yes go4it, the odds in FOSL where when it held 83…
[07:29 am] mikewd2 -: WTW toppy?
[07:29 am] doji  : or at the breakout of 90 with volume
[07:30 am] rusty  : sold 1/2 FSLR swing +5 avg
[07:30 am] mikewd2 -: no shares to short on WTW at TS
[07:31 am] doji  : CMG
[07:31 am] mikewd2 -: swing master on a roll
[07:31 am] rusty  : NUS
[07:31 am] rusty  : NUS alert
[07:31 am] doji  : Niceeee CMG breakout
[07:32 am] go4it  : thx Doji
[07:33 am] eddy  : any news on NUS?
[07:33 am] rusty  : negative analyst report
[07:37 am] eyes  : Hy ED
[07:39 am] mikewd2 -: NUS L 45.00
[07:40 am] eyes  : Nice Mike
[07:40 am] mikewd2 -: a little worried when it broke it though
[07:40 am] rusty  : NYSE volume 150M shares – 7% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 2.8:1.
[07:40 am] mikewd2 -: went to 44.50 before i cuold enter stop
[07:41 am] doji  : Nice fill Mike
[07:42 am] Ed : hey eyes
[07:42 am] doji  : Hey Eyes, how are you doing today?
[07:42 am] eyes  : up about 90 so good how about you
[07:43 am] doji  : Outstanding today….
[07:43 am] doji  : Up $$$$…
[07:43 am] khall  : it has been a great trading morning
[07:43 am] eyes  : Awesome good to hear
[07:43 am] doji  : NUS still weak Mike
[07:44 am] mikewd2 -: I’m out doji
[07:44 am] mikewd2 -: 45.76
[07:44 am] doji  : I guessed Mike
[07:44 am] eyes  : GO Mike
[07:45 am] doji  : NUS previous PP=43.86
[07:46 am] doji  : strong support 42.52
[07:46 am] doji  : and then 40
[07:50 am] eyes  : what would be a interesting Price MJN
[07:51 am] serge  : +Skin+Enterprises+%28NUS%29+Slammed+as+Cintro n+Says+China+Sales+in+Jeopardy+on+Volations/7 637294.html
[07:52 am] rusty  : 08/07/the-two-faces-of-nu-skin/
[07:54 am] mikewd2 -: been getting bounces off whole number support on NUS
[07:54 am] mikewd2 -: VRX bumping against 51.00
[08:04 am] rusty  : NUS CNBC
[08:04 am] mikewd2 -: The Company operates through a direct selling model with independent distributors in all of its markets except Mainland China
[08:04 am] mikewd2 -: seems their profile doesn’t show they do direct selling?
[08:05 am] eyes  : My chart show 42.90 what chart is that
[08:05 am] mikewd2 -: hope someone was able to short WTW, worked out nice
[08:05 am] rusty  : lol
[08:06 am] eyes  : OK better
[08:06 am] rusty  : Marvin Hamlisch Dead at 68
[08:10 am] eyes  : Did you S MNST Ed
[08:19 am] eddy  : test
[08:19 am] rusty  : icles
[08:20 am] victor51  : Mitch, what’s your fast setting. and can explain black, red and green box prices. I missed it earlier
[08:22 am] Ed : yes I did eyes
[08:23 am] Ed : i see ur test eddy
[08:23 am] doji  : Watching LEN
[08:29 am] eddy  : what do we do with NUS NOW?
[08:30 am] Ed : are u in the trade
[08:30 am] eyes  : no i was waiting for a higher price missed it
[08:31 am] Ed : if ur not already in NUS, would just wait on another opportunity
[08:37 am] ben4givn  : watching wprt
[08:45 am] qwert  : APA at 88
[08:48 am] mikewd2 -: mcp hod
[09:05 am] doji  : CMG nice $4 move from breakout at 300….
[09:06 am] rusty  : VHC radar
[09:07 am] rusty  : negative article
[09:09 am] rusty  : VIX -2.32% UVXY -2.27%
[09:16 am] Ed : nice one doji
[09:17 am] doji  : Thanks Ed…
[09:17 am] doji  : It’s nice when you can trade and work at the same time… multitasking
[09:17 am] Ed : true
[09:18 am] doji  : My best day in weeks
[09:18 am] Ed : u had been way for bit, so takes little get back in groove
[09:19 am] doji  : True, as I told Joey, I am dedicating a couple of hours to study no matter what
[09:19 am] doji  : every day
[09:19 am] Ed : thats good
[09:20 am] Ed : we are no different than prof. athletes and they train so many hours per day
[09:21 am] rusty  : we are no different?
[09:21 am] rusty  : interesting
[09:21 am] doji  : You are right, experience and wisdom only comes with practice
[09:21 am] rusty  : Ed, please post pic in Speedos
[09:21 am] doji  : hahaha
[09:21 am] rusty  : for us to decide
[09:22 am] Ed : with barbell in right hand
[09:22 am] rusty  : hey hey
[09:22 am] rusty  : mitch not gonna like that kinda talk
[09:22 am] rusty  : he’s prudish you know
[09:22 am] Ed : lol
[09:22 am] doji  : wit a pinky tong and doing “lift and jerk”…
[09:22 am] doji  : with
[09:23 am] doji  : See ya later, have to attend a meeting
[09:24 am] rusty  : enjoy 12 steps
[09:24 am] rusty  : ooooops
[09:24 am] rusty  : wrong window
[09:25 am] Ed : c ya doji
[09:31 am] victor51  : Anyone remember Aug 8, 2911. Mkt tanked big that day.
[09:31 am] rusty  : back to the future?
[09:32 am] eddy  : 🙂
[09:35 am] Ed : and dont forget the speedo per rusty
[09:36 am] qwert  : TIBX big volume spike
[09:37 am] Ed : i do like watching woman’s volleyball though
[09:38 am] gregs  : women’s tennis
[09:39 am] Ed : guess that would be distant 2nd for me
[09:39 am] gregs  : haha
[09:41 am] gregs  : 2nd day underwater for me in a row, need to review trades, find a mountain and meditate
[09:42 am] Ed : do u also keep a journal gregs?
[09:42 am] gregs  : yes sir every day, with pictures of trades
[09:42 am] Ed : should be easy for you to spot the erros
[09:42 am] Ed : errors
[09:42 am] gregs  : slowly converging on profitability heh
[09:43 am] gregs  : yesterday i learned that paying attention to volatility on tops is important
[09:43 am] gregs  : also trying to take some of the support/resist plays that you guys are taking
[09:44 am] Ed : sometimes when fairly new, one can be trying too many strategies and that can be a distraction as well
[09:44 am] gregs  : this is true, will keep in mind
[09:45 am] Ed : try to keep it as simple as possible then build on it.
[09:45 am] serge  : ed…if I may ask…how many trades in 10 make you $$?
[09:45 am] Ed : Also, when trying something new do it in sim mode
[09:45 am] gregs  : was doing 6 trades a day on the reversals, most days +ve
[09:46 am] Ed : dont quite understand the question serge
[09:46 am] gregs  : still lots to learn
[09:47 am] serge  : so for example do 6 out of 10 ofo your trades make you $$?
[09:47 am] Ed : oh, think I got it. when I trade 12 or less my win % is in 80 percentile
[09:47 am] serge  : ahh ok
[09:47 am] serge  : thanks
[09:47 am] gregs  : nice ed 🙂  how about risk/reward ratio 😛
[09:48 am] Ed : when I trade 15 to 40 it drops to about 69% or 70% and when I trade 100 which is about 1 per month my % drops to about 55%
[09:48 am] gregs  : 100 in a day?
[09:48 am] serge  : ??
[09:48 am] serge  : you broker has got to love that….lol
[09:48 am] Ed : yes 100 trades in a day
[09:49 am] gregs  : sweet
[09:49 am] Ed : thats why I try not to do that too often
[09:49 am] gregs  : eddie money
[09:49 am] serge  : time to go….thanks again all…..learning so much here
[09:50 am] Ed : take care serge
[09:52 am] Ed : thats also why it is good to review so u can stick to what makes u the most money or keeps u consistently profitable
[09:53 am] eddy  : ED do you remember which stochastics we had agreed to use?was it  14 ,3,3?
[09:53 am] Ed : like one trader in room mentioned they have most success trading from 10am est. to 11:30est
[09:53 am] gregs  : that’s interesting
[09:53 am] Ed : it was 6,5,4
[09:53 am] Ed : see how that works eddy
[09:54 am] eddy  : k thx
[09:54 am] Ed : if that does not look right let me know
[09:55 am] Ed : right gregs, but atleast he was able to look and see where he was having most difficulty
[09:55 am] gregs  : i tag trades by the reason i get into them
[09:56 am] gregs  : then do pivottables in excel to figure out most profitable trades
[09:57 am] Ed : thats good
[09:58 am] gregs  : most profitable = reversals
[09:58 am] gregs  : least = support/resist plays
[09:58 am] gregs  : like, i’m eyeing HAL at 35 right now
[09:59 am] Ed : this time of day I tend to be more skeptical of particular play unless it is news mover, buyout rumorr
[10:00 am] Ed : So, when I look at HAL Im skeptical on long/short so I set up #’s to give better edge
[10:00 am] gregs  : how do you mean numbers
[10:01 am] Ed : So, if looking to take long, will take it at 35.31 with strong vol or short if get move into 36.36 area, but will se how it reacts 1st
[10:02 am] go4it  : DIE FOSL DIE!
[10:03 am] go4it  : 5
[10:03 am] gregs  : ok so you don’t like the hod play just because, looking at levels on the daily instead, and how it reacts to em
[10:03 am] gregs  : just bc of time of day i mean
[10:03 am] Ed : just as an example,  right and playing from skeptical view
[10:04 am] Ed : due to time of day and not wanting to give money back, also would play with much lighter share size
[10:04 am] Ed : if it does hit those #s im looking at
[10:05 am] Ed : like if I normally play with 1000 shares I will be trading with 200 shares
[10:06 am] Ed : Its all about placing odds in ur favor and just telling u how I play it. U dont have to follow my lead put sharing to help others
[10:07 am] gregs  : makes sense, i think i need to consider #s more from daily and 15m, instead of just trading the 2m
[10:07 am] Ed : U definitely want to know how stock is sitting overall and u get this info from daily
[10:08 am] qwert  : watching STX
[10:09 am] gregs  : i think i would have thought 35.31 is far enough away as resist, and just gone for it
[10:09 am] gregs  : but maybe other trades wouldn’t be as interested
[10:09 am] gregs  : traders
[10:10 am] Ed : u never know, thats the unknown the traders sitting on sideline
[10:11 am] Ed : so u want to control what u do, this is why its important to be flexible as well
[10:12 am] Ed : see hal could be good short or good long and long has room to run up near 36.36. So, u put the pieces together seeing if ur trade decesion has an edge.
[10:14 am] Ed : other reason I would not trade it now, is u have too many unknown traders sitting on sidelines just like us, you jump in now and could go either way. Its like waiting for those traders on sidelines to show their hands
[10:15 am] gregs  : well but isn’t a break through 35 going to get momentum?
[10:15 am] gregs  : apart from it being lunch time
[10:15 am] Ed : depends, it could attract more buyers or not
[10:16 am] gregs  : so not as clear to you which direction is good yet
[10:16 am] Ed : Look how stock is meandering
[10:16 am] gregs  : but if you don’t look at breaking of significant levels, what is it that makes it good
[10:16 am] gregs  : ah, ok yeah it does look sleep
[10:17 am] gregs  : sleepy
[10:18 am] Ed : so u get the break like ur speaking of, u want those buyers to come in and this will show up on vol side, if it breaks and vols stays light cause for cautionn. Caution not panic. If ur up on trade u could quickly reduce place stop at breakevn as example
[10:19 am] gregs  : that makes sense, often i’m in a trade and feel it hanging in midair
[10:19 am] gregs  : which is ok if i’m very in the money, but not cool near my entry
[10:20 am] gregs  : also, think i don’t pay enough attention to vol
[10:20 am] gregs  : hardly ever in fact
[10:20 am] joeytsa  : i make that mistake a lot also greg
[10:20 am] joeytsa  : i catch it on my 2nd look
[10:21 am] gregs  : hehe sinking feeling
[10:21 am] Ed : definitely on those breakouts/breakdowns
[10:21 am] joeytsa  : yeah, its easy to get caught up in the actual breakout
[10:21 am] Ed : I think we had this with CTSH yesterday, kept wanting over that 65 area
[10:22 am] Ed : it broke but vol was suspect, vol was there not strong but did not continue so I closed out 3/4 and place stop last 1/4 breakeven
[10:23 am] Ed : now if u study FOSL that was nice breakout 9:36est
[10:24 am] gregs  : i see vol spike at 10:20 but no follow thru
[10:24 am] rusty  : 7-125kb.jpg SPY
[10:25 am] Ed : at 9;36 u had nice spike and supporting vol coming in
[10:25 am] gregs  : ok i see vol spike in FOSL but stays higher than consolidation
[10:26 am] mh  : FB
[10:26 am] gregs  : probably also you get a feel for how prices moves on high vol versus low vol
[10:27 am] gregs  : i.e. watching time and sales
[10:27 am] qwert  : Ed how far up would you have paid for FOSL I had st alert for open and when it went off by the time i got there it was already up just over 85 so i passed
[10:27 am] eyes  : BSFT nice move
[10:27 am] Ed : right like anything else u get accustomed to what to  look for
[10:28 am] gregs  : cool thanks for the tips ed
[10:28 am] Ed : 85.12 or less
[10:29 am] qwert  : What are you basing that on?
[10:29 am] Ed : opening price
[10:30 am] Ed : and u got a breakout pattern forming from 9:31 to 9:35
[10:30 am] qwert  : yeah i made money short at open
[10:30 am] murano  : FE
[10:31 am] Ed : it was nice quick short
[10:34 am] doji  : CMG break out
[10:34 am] go4it  : I was short FOSL at 9:48 @92.22 stopped out 91.50
[10:34 am] qwert  : Thx Murano  :))
[10:34 am] Ed : nice again doji, u must be hungry
[10:35 am] doji  : hahaha
[10:38 am] rusty  : NUS fighting back
[10:39 am] rusty  : on conference call
[10:41 am] joeytsa  : VC slight spike down
[10:45 am] Ed : still made 4 some nice cheese bruce
[10:47 am] go4it  : I get excited and I love cheese haha
[10:47 am] Ed : me too
[10:48 am] Ed : sharp cheese is best
[10:48 am] go4it  : but I was hoping for lobster haha
[10:48 am] Ed : never hear of it, I dont get out much
[10:49 am] go4it  : lol
[10:53 am] go4it  : hey Ed you like pepperjack
[10:53 am] Ed : 4 certain
[10:53 am] eddy  : NUS breaking down
[10:53 am] eddy  : any suggestions Ed?
[10:54 am] Ed : only if losses lod wuth vol
[10:54 am] go4it  : throw it on some chips toss it in the micro sit back withbeverage of choice HEAVENLY
[10:54 am] eddy  : else u dont touch it?
[10:55 am] Ed : right eddy
[10:55 am] eddy  : no short here?
[10:56 am] Ed : not for me
[10:56 am] eddy  : so u short it of ot break lod or wait for long set up?
[10:57 am] eddy  : of ot =if
[10:58 am] Ed : would prefer breaking lod on vol
[11:00 am] gregs  : ken calhoun from daytrading university posts trading results from 2009 – $16,000
[11:01 am] murano  : EXH
[11:03 am] rusty  : SEC Seeks to Tighten Controls on Computer Trading Across Stock Market
[11:03 am] qwert  : EXH sells assets for 442 million
[11:04 am] Ed : be interesting to see how they do that
[11:04 am] Ed : thx murano and qwert
[11:06 am] victor51  : Ed, TIBX  S @29.21. What you think more downside??
[11:06 am] qwert  : Murano thx for EXH
[11:07 am] Ed : I would prefer a move into 30 area
[11:07 am] Ed : on TIBX
[11:07 am] mh  : missed EXH what a good one
[11:08 am] mh  : is this a place to take EXH long?
[11:09 am] Ed : by time u had asked it already gave nice quick entry, although I would have prefered more drop for my style of trade to take long
[11:10 am] mh  : I like to jump the gun and get in to early and stay in to long hahaha
[11:12 am] mh  : EXP should have been a big winner just couldnt pull trigger
[11:12 am] Ed : trades kind of thin EXP
[11:14 am] doji  : FSLR
[11:14 am] doji  : trying to brekout…. need more V
[11:14 am] rusty  : FSLR hod
[11:15 am] Ed : nice pattern
[11:16 am] doji  : U pattern Ed
[11:16 am] Ed : yes
[11:16 am] Ed : just need vol to show up
[11:16 am] doji  : exactly
[11:17 am] doji  : I am keeping 1/2 position as swing trade @ 19.69
[11:17 am] mh  : nice doji
[11:21 am] doji  : Obama to expedite FSLR projects
[11:21 am] Ed : thx doji
[11:25 am] doji  : Was reading in MW that study has shown the best profits fir day trades are the first hour after the market opens and the last one before it closes…
[11:26 am] doji  : we don’t need that sudy… we already know that… hahah
[11:26 am] qwert  : We need to see lightning in action on FSLR  :))
[11:26 am] Ed : true doji
[11:26 am] rusty  : Can you put up CL chart please?
[11:26 am] qwert  : certainly for me 1st hour
[11:27 am] doji  : SPY dropping
[11:28 am] qwert  : no shorts FSLR at lightspeed
[11:28 am] doji  : TDA have them
[11:29 am] rusty  : est
[11:39 am] rusty  : KCG lod
[11:48 am] rusty  : to-expedite-seven-renewable-renewable-energy- plants.html?cmpid=yhoo
[11:57 am] shark  : test
[11:57 am] Ed : i see ya shark
[11:58 am] joeytsa  : VC giving some decent moves
[11:58 am] doji  : Sharky!!!!
[11:59 am] shark  : 🙂 Aloha doji
[11:59 am] joeytsa  : shark’s trying to get the sand out of his laptop 🙂
[11:59 am] doji  : Arrivederchi
[12:02 pm] shark  : yeah, for real, joey
[12:03 pm] shark  : TUMI Aug 20 calls, 3200 contracts bought yesterday prior to earnings for as little as .30/conract
[12:04 pm] shark  : looks like possible 3200 contracts selling here for around $3.00/contract
[12:04 pm] rusty  : you’re going to read about those contracts in future
[12:04 pm] shark  : 😉
[12:05 pm] doji  : 3200 contracts? That is 320,000 shares…
[12:06 pm] rusty  : stupid criminals
[12:06 pm] doji  : no e-mail to share the profits?
[12:07 pm] shark  : yeah….
[12:08 pm] rusty  : so what’s the net profit there
[12:09 pm] rusty  : banks  moving down
[12:10 pm] shark  : $864,000 TUMI Aug 20 call profits for 1 day
[12:11 pm] joeytsa  : give me 2 of those and i will take the rest of the year off 🙂
[12:11 pm] rusty  : two of those and you will have few years off
[12:11 pm] doji  : Just give me 1/2
[12:11 pm] rusty  : followed by few years probation
[12:11 pm] doji  : that is why Shark trades while travelling
[12:11 pm] rusty  : nice headsup shark
[12:11 pm] qwert  : monitoring ADS
[12:12 pm] shark  : 🙂
[12:12 pm] doji  : Sharke knew something the rest of us didn’t know….
[12:13 pm] Ed : did u trade them in ur swiss trading acct?
[12:14 pm] Ed : got it shark no comment
[12:14 pm] rusty  : lol
[12:16 pm] doji  : He is busy counting his money
[12:17 pm] Ed : thats 4sure, he used hawaii as a distraction, we know where he really is
[12:17 pm] joeytsa  : 🙂
[12:21 pm] shark  : lol
[12:21 pm] shark  : Z and PCLN on my after hours earnings watch, today
[12:22 pm] shark  : Z up nicely, maybe a tell
[12:22 pm] mikewd2 -: GMCR hod
[12:24 pm] joeytsa  : re: PCLN, i think someone mentioned about potential bad earnings..maybe rusty posted that?
[12:25 pm] joeytsa  : i might have read that somewhere else though..cant remember
[12:25 pm] shark  : thx for heads up, joey
[12:25 pm] joeytsa  : dont take that as gospel though…my brain has been scattered recently
[12:26 pm] doji  : Thanks for TUMI
[12:26 pm] doji  : hahaha
[12:30 pm] doji  : FB dropping
[12:31 pm] joeytsa  : it has been since its ipo 🙂
[12:32 pm] doji  : Nice drop today
[12:41 pm] rusty  : VIX hod
[12:44 pm] rusty  : -traders-in-a-hurry-to-get-in-and-out-of-knig ht-shares/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medi um=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+dealbreaker+ %28Dealbreaker%29
[12:44 pm] rusty  : KCG
[12:47 pm] rusty  : FRAN come to papa
[12:53 pm] mikewd2 -: almost $1 bounce in NUS
[12:53 pm] eyes  : Good Night Everyone
[12:54 pm] shark  : bye eyes
[12:54 pm] rusty  : seeya eyes
[12:54 pm] rusty  : gn all
[12:54 pm] Ed : c ya eyes/rusty
[12:54 pm] shark  : bye rusty
[12:54 pm] doji  : See ya fellas tomorrow…
[12:54 pm] shark  : hasta luego, doji
[12:54 pm] joeytsa  : Thanks Mitch, Ed, everyone..see you all tomorrow
[12:54 pm] Ed : c ya doji
[12:55 pm] shark  : should be fun to watch, PCLN shortly
[12:55 pm] shark  : and Z
[12:59 pm] gregs  : take care ed thanks for the help today
[12:59 pm] gregs  : and thanks to mitch for the awesome calls as usual
[12:59 pm] Ed : no problem
[01:05 pm] shark  : there goes PCLN, wow!
[01:07 pm] shark  : sliced up in the blender like CMG couple weeks ago
[01:08 pm] joeytsa  : huge drop
[01:08 pm] joeytsa  : guess that rumor was right?
[01:08 pm] shark  : YEAH
[01:08 pm] shark  : no kidding
[01:08 pm] shark  : maybe EXPE eating into sales
[01:08 pm] shark  : along with other growth competitors
[01:09 pm] joeytsa  : maybe
[01:09 pm] joeytsa  : guess i should have loaded up on puts
[01:10 pm] rusty  : Sees Q3 2012 EPS of $11.10-$12.10,vs $12.82   PCLN
[01:10 pm] shark  : thx rusty.
[01:13 pm] shark  : Z; Zillow reports EPS in-line, beats on revs; guides Q3 revs in-line (Z) 41.71 +2.12 : Reports Q2 (Jun) earnings of $0.04 per share
[01:14 pm] joeytsa  : PCLN down about $100
[01:14 pm] qwert  : wow
[01:14 pm] shark  : will watch PCLN to sell some options as the volatility gets sucked out tomorrow
[01:15 pm] rusty  : await shark options call
[01:15 pm] rusty  : ty
[01:15 pm] joeytsa  : wish they would have announced during hours
[01:15 pm] qwert  : yeah
[01:16 pm] rusty  : anyone buy 3000 PCLN puts today?
[01:18 pm] qwert  : df
[01:18 pm] shark  : alright guys, heading out to the beach….Aloooooha
[01:19 pm] joeytsa  : see you all tomorrow

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Chat Highlights from 08/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 08/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/31/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/29/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 07/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/27/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/21/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/20/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 06/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/29/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/21/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/20/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 05/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/29/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 04/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/27/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/20/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 03/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/27/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/26/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/21/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/20/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/19/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/13/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/12/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/06/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/05/2013
Chat Highlights from 02/01/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/31/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/30/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/29/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/28/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/25/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/24/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/23/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/22/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/18/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/17/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/16/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/15/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/14/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/11/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/10/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/09/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/08/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/07/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/04/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/03/2013
Chat Highlights from 01/02/2013
Chat Highlights from 12/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/14/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/29/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/15/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/14/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/08/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 11/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/25/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/15/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/08/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 10/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/25/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/14/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 09/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/29/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/22/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/14/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/08/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 08/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/25/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 07/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/29/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/25/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/22/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/15/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/14/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 06/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/21/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/15/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 05/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/16/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 04/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/29/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/22/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/08/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/07/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 03/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/28/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/02/2012
Chat Highlights from 02/01/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/31/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/30/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/27/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/26/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/25/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/24/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/23/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/20/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/19/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/18/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/17/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/13/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/12/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/11/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/10/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/09/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/06/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/05/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/04/2012
Chat Highlights from 01/03/2012
Chat Highlights from 12/30/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/28/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/27/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/23/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/22/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/20/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/19/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/16/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/15/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/13/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/12/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/08/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/07/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/06/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/05/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/02/2011
Chat Highlights from 12/01/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/30/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/28/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/22/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/18/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/17/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/16/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/15/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/11/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/08/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/07/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/04/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/03/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/02/2011
Chat Highlights from 11/01/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/31/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/28/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/27/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/26/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/25/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/24/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/20/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/19/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/18/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/17/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/13/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/12/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/11/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/10/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/06/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/05/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/04/2011
Chat Highlights from 10/03/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/30/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/27/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/26/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/23/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/22/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/20/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/16/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/13/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/12/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/07/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/06/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/02/2011
Chat Highlights from 09/01/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/30/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/26/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/24/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/23/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/22/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/19/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/17/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/16/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/15/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/12/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/11/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/10/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/08/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/02/2011
Chat Highlights from 08/01/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/28/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/27/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/26/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/25/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/20/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/19/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/18/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/15/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/12/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/11/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/08/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/07/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/06/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/05/2011
Chat Highlights from 07/01/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/30/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/29/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/28/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/27/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/26/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/24/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/23/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/22/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/21/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/20/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/17/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/16/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/15/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/14/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/13/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/09/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/08/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/07/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/06/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/03/2011
Chat Highlights from 06/02/2011