(05:42 am) Qwert :early gap up: TKMR, AGO,
(05:43 am) Qwert :I have no early Gaps down
(06:26 am) Mitch King:Premarket UP: TKMR,
(06:34 am) Mitch King:watching SCTY, AIRM,
(06:35 am) Qwert :monitoring POST
(06:37 am) Mitch King:BCEI trending down
(06:41 am) Mitch King:watching LGF for small
rebound and 2nd helkping short
(06:41 am) Mitch King:watching FSLR
(06:43 am) Mitch King:SCTY rebounding for
possible 2nd trade
(06:43 am) Mitch King:watching TROX for top
to short, take time on these
(06:43 am) Mitch King:watcing CTRP for top to
short, microshort
(06:45 am) Mitch King:MDVN trending up, more
upside, careful about shorting this for
(06:48 am) Mitch King:POST in downtrend
(06:48 am) Mitch King:watching SCTY for
trades both ways, starting possible
(06:52 am) Mitch King:CBS breaking out
(06:53 am) Mitch King:monitoring TDW
(06:55 am) Mitch King:new highs on YOKU
(07:13 am) Mitch King:CLVS trending up,
cancer drug biotech
(07:16 am) Murano :monitoring COH
(08:21 am) Mitch King:MDVN breakout again
(08:21 am) Murano :monitoring SLXP
(08:33 am) Qwert :monitoring TKMR coming up
to pre mkt high
(08:47 am) Mitch King:new high on CLVS
(08:52 am) Mitch King:watching SCTY for short
(08:54 am) Murano :monitoring VZ
(08:57 am) Mitch King:monitoring NFG
(11:35 am) Mitch King:sorry
(11:35 am) Mitch King:2m
| (05:20 am) Qwert :Good morning austria,
(05:26 am) regatta :gm qwert, austria
(05:28 am) george :good morning all
(05:34 am) Murano :good morning
(05:40 am) Qwert :only thing i see left on
the calendar for today is Wholesale
Inventories at 7:00am pst
(05:58 am) Mitch King:TKMR is related to the
ebola drug isnt it?
(05:59 am) Mitch King:yeah, it is, that was
company that was told by FDA to put ebola
application on hold, not sure why, not fda
changing position, stock up
(05:59 am) Qwert :yes on TKMR
(06:10 am) Murano :FDA “modified” the full
clinical hold to a partial hold on TKMR
(06:11 am) freitag8 :Thanks for the gappers
(06:27 am) freitag8 :Traders….. Start Your
(06:33 am) regatta :watching low priced
(06:36 am) regatta :watching BID
(06:38 am) doji :Good day, watching SCTY
(06:44 am) regatta :watching MELI
(06:48 am) doji :Tets
(06:48 am) doji :Test
(07:07 am) regatta :watching KND
(07:09 am) regatta :watching SEM
(07:20 am) akram :hlf
(07:33 am) Mitch King:GNBC ipo trading
(07:39 am) Mitch King:thats about only
potential was this weak ipo on GNBC
(07:40 am) Murano :reduce COH if long
(07:44 am) Qwert :Murano did you trade COH
(07:45 am) Murano :yes
(07:45 am) Qwert :I was watching for short at
(07:45 am) Qwert :r3
(07:45 am) Murano :I went long on break over
(07:45 am) Qwert :nice
(07:46 am) Murano :I kept a tight stop half
the time those don’t work
(07:47 am) Mitch King:GNBC went from $16.10
low to 17.20 so far,
(07:47 am) Qwert :yeah i only lost .10 cents
per share on short
(07:48 am) Mitch King:still strong but too
late for me, its that first dip is where you
want to be long in ipo
(07:48 am) Mitch King:what stock qwert?
(07:48 am) Mitch King:COH, ok
(07:48 am) Qwert :coh
(07:50 am) Murano :POST has been my best
trade so far
(07:50 am) Qwert :short or long
(07:50 am) Murano :long
(07:50 am) Qwert :yeah big mover
(07:52 am) Murano :I was late to the show
didn’t get in until 33.36
(07:53 am) Qwert :still over 2.00 gain nice
(07:53 am) Qwert :u still have some?
(07:54 am) Murano :have 1/4 remaining sold
most at 35.70
(07:54 am) Qwert :nice
(07:54 am) Murano :sometimes I get lucky
(07:55 am) Qwert :i made a long attempt
earlier at 35 and got stopped
(07:55 am) Qwert :missed where you got in was
with something else
(08:01 am) Murano :COH may drop back to 36 if
anyone is short I am not
(08:13 am) Murano :out last 1/4 POST
(08:14 am) Qwert :Murano treating us all to
lunch with his post trade?
(08:15 am) Murano :Dollar menu at McDonalds
(08:15 am) Qwert :okay with me
(08:15 am) Murano :haha
(08:15 am) Qwert :1 share will buy me 4
(08:29 am) Murano :reduce SLXP if long
(08:32 am) Qwert :thx for SLXP murano now i
can go to Micky Dee’s on my own dime 🙂
(08:32 am) Murano :haha
(08:33 am) klas :murano would you mind if i
email you this weekend?
(08:34 am) Murano :I will be out of town this
weekend but will respnd on Monday
[email protected]
(08:35 am) klas :Thanks no hurry have fun
(08:40 am) Qwert :covered some TKMR
(08:43 am) doji :Murano just reply my e-mail
with your bank account number and SS
number… lol
(08:43 am) Qwert :hahaha
(08:44 am) Murano :haha
(08:48 am) doji :Murano, why do you want a
picture of my Brazilian secretary?
(08:49 am) Murano :I don’t I hear it’s a
(08:52 am) doji :Yes but he had the same
surgery Ed had… lol
(08:53 am) doji :SCTY at yesterday’s low
(08:56 am) doji :TKMR watching for potential
(08:59 am) Murano :I wanted VZ to fall closer
to 48 before bouncing
(09:01 am) regatta :watching SEM again
(09:13 am) Murano :reduce VZ if long I did
not take this trade
(09:20 am) regatta :watching VOLC
(09:47 am) freitag8 :$20 was a significant
point of inflection for TKMR back in late
March/early April
(09:47 am) freitag8 :I’m reducing my long
(09:54 am) freitag8 :watching /CL for a top
to short… maybe 20 ticks
(10:07 am) freitag8 :/cl is a no go… did
not reject 97.60
(10:10 am) Qwert :Bye everyone have a nice
weekend cya all on Monday
(10:12 am) freitag8 :Bye Qwert
(10:12 am) Murano :see you Qwert
(10:13 am) freitag8 :all out TKMR… from
(10:17 am) Mitch King:nice move frei on
TKMR< did you get NFG long?
(10:17 am) Murano :nice trading freitag
(10:18 am) freitag8 :no… I missed NFG,
darn it
(10:18 am) freitag8 :TY M
(10:19 am) freitag8 :I saw 16.50ish as pre
market support so I set an alert at 16.55 and
took a shot at TKMR
(10:22 am) freitag8 :/cl is bouncing down
from 97.70… I may have missed it by 10
(10:24 am) freitag8 :there was the 20 ticks
on /CL… I hate when I miss those by so
(10:27 am) regatta :SPY moving up
(10:30 am) freitag8 :the range from top to
bottom from premarket to now on the SPY is
the largest we have seen intraday in over a
week… volatility is definitely climbing in
the SPY
(10:40 am) regatta :watching YNDX
(11:04 am) Murano :good call on YNDX regatta
(11:05 am) regatta :ym
(11:05 am) regatta :yw
(11:11 am) Mitch King:what symbol regatta
(11:11 am) regatta :sorry, yw is your
(11:11 am) regatta :ym was a typo for yw
(11:11 am) Mitch King:lol good one
(11:11 am) regatta :i’m quite the nerd
(11:11 am) freitag8 :lol
(11:12 am) Mitch King:im saying i never seen
that symbol unless futures
(11:12 am) Mitch King:your mother
(11:12 am) regatta :lol
(11:12 am) Mitch King:yellow monkey
(11:12 am) Mitch King:your money
(11:12 am) regatta :yo’ mamma
(11:31 am) freitag8 :I’m done for the
week… have a great weekend every1… Thanks
for being here and all that you do
(11:33 am) Murano :see you freitag
(11:34 am) Mitch King:microshort possible on
(11:34 am) doji :$20 was a magnet for TKMR
(11:38 am) regatta :watching KND
(11:40 am) Mitch King:look at that stock last
2 days reg, down from 24 to under 20
(11:41 am) Mitch King:no news
(11:41 am) regatta :i saw that on the daily
(11:57 am) Murano :done for the day, have a
good weekend, see you Monday
(12:09 pm) doji :See ya fellas in one
week… I am travlelling “again” next week on
business….. have a great weekend and make
tons of money
(12:26 pm) Mitch King:BCEI sure strong today
(12:29 pm) george :Regatta, good call on
(12:29 pm) regatta :volc
(12:29 pm) regatta :sorry
(12:30 pm) regatta :glad you got it george
(12:48 pm) Mitch King:see you guys monday